"The era of apologizing for Republican mistakes of the past is now officially over," Steele will say in a speech to the RNC's 2009 State Chairmen's Meeting
What I'm wondering is when, exactly, did they START apologizing?
Of course, there's always the very public and widespread taking to task that Obama's getting over DADT,ENDA, DOMA, anything he promised the gays.
Now, I hate to jump in and sound like I'm trying to steal Richard Rothstein's thunder over at Proceed at your own risk, and I'm certain he doesn't even consider me, let alone consider me a blogging colleague, but the facts are these:
Like him, I too told you all so when you were jumping in line with glee to follow the pied piper to ruin, but did you listen? Nah.
Richard, in today's post likens himself to Cassandra, the mortal in Greek mythology who is prescient, but is cursed by the Gods so that no one will believe her predictions.
He has a point, a bit melodramatic, but then again that's what we love about Richard.
So the fact remains that you DO only have yourselves to blame. You DID follow this guy down the road to ruin and you WILL have to continue to live with the complete lack of results you will obtain as a result.
I DID tell you, so, and as usual not a damn one of you listened.
So there you have it. A non-apology, I feel just like a newly minted Republican.
So here's a morsel...and a half:

AND on a more positive note:
Mariela Castro led a gay rights parade in Havana over the weekend. She, incidentally is Raul Castro's daughter. Kinda explains why Cuba is gettin' so gay all of a sudden, huh?
But progress is progress, better in Cuba than nowhere at all, which of course, is the choice we are faced with.

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