I drive a particularly heinous stretch of road every morning out of necessity, since it's the main street closest to my apt. If I time it right there are not dense crowds, this morning I didn't time it right. But, as I sat at the very first light, which means I went about 50 feet before stopping I glanced in my rear view mirror and I fell in love with a fat woman.
She looked to be around my age late 40's to early 50's, hair colored in one of those shades of red that do not occur in nature, a bit of a double chin, and wearing glasses that looked to be a throwback to the 70's. They were colored, like, reddish/amber. Then I realized what those glasses were designed to hide.
She was getting high! Now, as most of you know falling in love with a woman would take some doing for me, yet this dumpy little thing accomplished it with one toke.
I realized why she was shielding her mouth from the view of those on her left with one hand and what she was arising to her mouth with her right! And I thought no one got high to go to work anymore.
This revelation was hot on the heels of the revelation last night at the grocery store that the little cub who checks out my groceries is checking out more than my groceries. I felt like a dirty old man. Didn't stop me from loving it, he's quite adorable, albeit about 17, but I've got time. He even looked at my check longer than he should and asked me if the address and phone were correct. A bit forward, but I got the message. I hope he's not a stalker.
And that on top of the epiphany I had last night after class. I had kept in my possession several copies of the plays I've assigned as their final project, and after class I realized that I not only needed to take them back but I didn't feel comfortable keeping the envelope with my student evaluations in it. It's the time of year the students get to evaluate me, and though they were in my box with instructions to turn them in by May 1, I was not comfortable leaving campus with them so I went to my car and drove around to the library to return a book and make the walk to the dean's office shorter.
It's early spring and the trees are just getting that fuzzy green look of the buds coming, and though our campus was built in the 70's and a perfect example of brutalism in architecture there are still things of nature about. As i was walking to the other building I stopped and looked around for a minute and I had a bit of an epiphany. Though it may not be the most prestigious college campus in the area, it's still a college campus and I teach there! Cool huh?
Snuck out this morning to run to the college and had a great conversation with my dept. head about my classes and what I want the book to do for the fall. We NEEEEED a new one. I think we'r gonna get one too.
Well enough of the good news stuff, gotta work a bit:
Speaking of fuzzy...

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