The weekend was interesting. I'm thinking I need to move on from the stables wher I volunteer. No problems or anything like that, well that's not entirely true, I went out to work with a horse I wanted to take on as a project and was told not to work with them anymore. It appears that this guy doesn't understand certain procedures and judges them by their immediate effect. If they don't produce results that day he's no longer interested. AND they are his horses after all. I will say I wasn't crazy when he told that I was too soft on the horse I'd been working with and that since the horse wouldn't stand still for shoeing last week he just kicked him in the stomach until he did. But, again, they're his horses, he just let's me play with them and he gets to set he rules. And though i understand that you have to be a bit forceful sometimes when dealing with a 1100 pound animal, I'm not sure kicking them in the stomach until they comply is the way to go.
But my issues actually revert to where I was 18 months ago. I'M NOT LEARNING ANYTHING!!!!
I want to know how to handle them,I want to learn how to at least do a little training, and I want to have the confidence to get on a horse and ride. The biggest problem I have with these horses is that they're barely under control. Sometimes you have to really MAKE them do what you want. And frankly that's a little more danger than this old man is interested in anymore. I want to ride a horse and feel safe dong so. I understand that it'll never be like getting into a Volvo,(before ford) but it's gotta be safer than it is out at the current place.
In that perfect world in my head, I'd be able to start taking lessons elsewhere and still be able to ride at the old place. But in the end it may not be something I can make happen. I may actually need to move on in order to progress. They've been good to me, but they've gotten fair value, and I doubt there'd be any hard feelings if I left.
But other than that I laid around the house feeling allergy-ridden all weekend.
I had a most wonderful encounter at the grocery yesterday though. You see there's this guy...
He's salt and pepper on top, and silver around the sides and I think he's kinda cute, (though prior to today I can't say I'd noticed those arms)
But after he'd paid for his groceries and I'm sure seen me checking him out mercilessly, he winked at me.
Now, I haven't been winked at in an age, so this was pretty cool in my estimation. At any rate it certainly made my day.
I planted stuff on Saturday, Tomatoes and herbs. Next weekend I'm getting a couple of flowering plants for the deck and then I have to call it quits in the planting dept. There's simply no room on that deck for anymore.
Saturday afternoon I watched a hallmark movie with Ed Asner and Jason London. I hadn't seen him in a long time, and he was still a cutie. So I went online to request some pictures of him from this website I know and lo and behold, within 2 hours there were some lovely pictures, and more than I had imagined.
So I'm sharing Jason London as today's morsel:

His identical twin brother ain't no slouch either.

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