I'm trying to et everything done this morning so I can go spend this afternoon in a meeting which is utterly pointless, but which, unfortunately, I dragged myself into.
There's a thing I'm supposed to be the contact person on and I found out someone else was scheduling meetings about it and I didn't know what was going on so I made some noise about is and now I have to go. When will I learn.
On top of which indignity, I am teaching Macbeth tonight. Well, actually every thursday night until the middle of next month, again, when will I learn. So I'm boning up on my knowledge of that subject at the same time. Oh! and I had to take a test this morning for an online class I'm taking. It's due tonight by 11pm so there was no other time to do it. How I passed I'll never know.
I need a morsel:
Oh ! Look! Here's one now!

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