The soul has greater need of the ideal than the real for it is by the real that we exist, it is by the ideal that we live

Thursday, February 5, 2009

still hating Colin Farrell

In my ongoing quest to recruit as many Colin Farrell haters as possible I am offering for your consideration his latest flop, in a long line of many. Pride and Glory.

Even Jon Voight and Ed Norton couldn't pull this out of the Farrell shitter.

And he's got 7 other projects either in post or pre production!!!

Is someone on drugs? Do they consider him a draw? I might remind them that Pride and Gory didn't even make half its money back domestically, and even if you add international box office it's STILL short several million.


(In case you're wondering, I hate Colin because even though he makes shitloads of money every time he does it, and he does it a LOT, he goes on record as being repulsed by kissing a guy.And I don't believe for a second that that was his dick on that internet porn going around a year or so ago. Big balls yes, that, no.) Fuck Him!


Anonymous said...

Why do you hate him so? He's had some bombs, but I thought his performance in Pride & Glory was wonderful.

And what about his comment about being repulsed by kissing men. All heterosexual men I knowv feel the same way. Do you want him to be gay? Really trying to figure out why you feel so strongly.

The New Me said...

"All heterosexual men I know feel the same way."

yes but they don't make millions of dollars from doing it and then display that kind of hypocrisy do they? And it takes a lot of grit to take those millions when you have one bad film after another. At some point someone has to say "hey, wait a minute, no matter what the performances are like this guy never makes us any money." I saw him in Tigerland and Phone Booth, I know the guy can act. But so can I! That does not mean I should be a movie star, now does it?

The New Me said...

I have been mistakenly talking with someone I though I knew. For some reason I was under the impression that the commenter Lisa who was dragging me over the coals for not liking Colin Farrell, whom I have quite the right to dislike if I so choose, was my friend Lisa of over 30 years. Apparently according the the rambling, misunderstanding, frankly quite crazy comment I got this morning I realize now that Lisa is indeed not my dear old friend, but one of those internet commenters who needs their meds adjusted. I have rejected her latest comment and deleted the rest. Mostly out of a sense of embarrassment over having engaged such a nut in conversation in the first place. So, my apologies to both of my readers for the stupid discourse you were subjected to these last two days. And Lisa, get some help would ya?