A little something to warm you up on this cold cold morning. That hat and that fuzz'd warm me up right quick I assure you.
I get to write my first email to the White House today that isn't hate mail in almost a decade. I'm sorta thrilled.
Sorta because though I get to correspond with a White House that I believe will read my emails and not run a surveillance check on me later, but also because I have to wonder how much they'll actually pay attention to.
I find it a bit amusing that my gay brothers and sisters are ever watchful and ever hopeful that this particular administration will acknowledge our existence with at least SOME legitimacy. Not that I don't want to be legitimate, which would be a novelty for me, but that I don't think all those pie in the sky promises we got during the campaign will come to pass.
I don't see anybody out there in the streets demonstrating to remind the new Prez that we're not going away just because he's a nice guy. No we're staying in the streets until we get what we're after...lol. It's a bit cold out there and no one really has much interest in marching in the middle of the winter. Such is the commitment to gay civil rights.
I'm writing to tell him all that stuff, but also to tell him to step on these oil companies. A 45 billion dollar profit in the worst quarter for our entire economy in almost a century? As always I ask; Am I the only one who thinks this strange?
Oil keeps going down and gas keeps creeping back up. And at a time we can least afford to support their rich asses. The oil companies have had to be slapped down in the past, I think it's time to smack 'em around a little more.
I've come to the conclusion that I can actually make all these dreams of mine come to pass AND pay my student loans off...eventually. If I get to stay here and dont' lose my job I'll retire at 62, which is only 9 years away, and in the meantime I'll buy 5 or 10 acres and build my house. I'll also go ahead and buy my horse, and really start pushing myself to make progress as a potter, and when I get to 62 I can take my retirement,my savings, and my Social Security and go do the things I want. Should I get some money from old moneybags (i.e. daddy dearest) when and if someone finally drives a stake through his heart, I'll just use that to do all the traveling I want to do. I've no real interest in Asia, but South America, Northern Europe, and parts of Africa hold great interest. I'd also like to start making an annual pilgrimage to the Caribbean during the winter. Not anyplace too exotic mind you, just Puerto Rico, which keeps me in the states technically, yet gets me some of the advantages that place holds.
See what a little hope can do? I get good news at work one day, and the next I'm planning the next 20 years.
Amazing thing that hope.
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