I rode horses, partied with friends, went to the theater,took naps, argued with nut cases on the internet, (my mistake, sorry,) shopped, which I rarely do, but I NEEDED new clothes and I found great sales. Ran up the Visa, but I still did pretty good. And here we are staring at the work week. This particular one is fraught with peril.
Our current Acting Interim Director is retiring on Friday. The party is Thursday. I can't wait to attend. Yikes. This places us in official limbo. After that we have an Acting Interim Assistant Director and nothing more at the top. It's ridiculous.
Of course what worries me is the very real possibility that the Acting Interim Director will decide that as one of her last official acts she'll give herself a present, and take me with her. A very real possibility, no matter what the champions of my cause try to do. If she says it, they say, "ok." They've been very helpful in volunteering me to do things after a couple of other people leave, and I appreciate their efforts, but they may not be enough. I'm hoping I'm paranoid and that there isn't an ax about to fall...on me.
But C'est la vie.
I went to see the Vagina Monologues produced by our drama club this weekend. It was a passable production, we don't have a deep talent pool, but they found a voice and it was consistent, so I was glad I went.
I went for drinks and dinner with friends and the ex Friday. I had quite a good time, which was surprising. I often fear time with the ex. He can be a bit labile with the moods sometimes and this week he wasn't in the dark place. He's always fun when he's not there.
Our new Change President seems to have sold us down the tax cut river. We've proven time and again that tax cuts don't work. And who are we kidding anyway? They just raise some other tax. They have to get the money from someplace. I realize we're just printing money right now, but why do we have to cut so much from education programs? Is it necessary to keep the populace stupid (like they're not stupid enough already) so they don't figure out how badly they're being screwed? I can't understand how we started out with a package that could actually create jobs and help people and wound up with one that's not only more expensive, but guts lots or programs they'd planned and fuels the same old shit that didn't work in the past to keep going and going...
It's disappointing that he didn't have more fortitude when he walked in the door.
Did he think everyone was going to rally round him cause he's a nice guy? Sir, no one gives a shit if you're a nice guy. So get out there and effect some change before I write you off as worthless. Repealing DADT would be a nice start. Then let's move onto marriage equality and civil rights and economic equity, and health care and all that shit you haven't talked about recently. Let's hear some more about that and not what we had to do to get this mockery of a stimulus plan off the ground. In my Opinion it's as DOA.
So good luck with it. You've let others take the heart out of it and we're the ones who'll pay the price.
I saw a movie on HBO this weekend, Lucky You, with Eric Bana and Drew Barrymore.

He's not bad at all IMHO.
They were both playing the same rhythms and it just made for a complete lack of chemistry. What is it with that guy? I've seen him work on other stuff and he seems quite capable, he just never seems to find the right vehicle to propel him into the next level. Maybe next time I guess. This movie even had Robert Duvall whom I always love and it just made no difference, the movie just kind of laid there, like a bad sex partner.
Well, off to work. Joy.
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