The economy is shrinking in ways never seen before and our lives are going to change as a result. I have this feeling bankruptcy court is in the future for many of us. Not life ending, but certainly life altering. I think the way we live is going to undergo a fundamental change, and though I personally think it's good, it widens the gap in our society. The classes have been quite a bit more well defined. Which is what Bush and Co wanted in the first place.
Immigrants, illegal and otherwise are being persecuted for being brown, or yellow, or anything but pink or white. It seems there's a Sheriff in Maricopa County Arizona who parades his prisoners around in pink underwear for all to see, and has been accused of countless other atrocities as well.
One of the members of the group Bay City Rollers, who were big back in the day, now claims he was date-raped at 19 which made him gay and he's been cheating on his wife with both men and women ever since. BUT! He's 90% "fixed" now. This bastard should rot.
I'm always torn when someone claims they were abused in some way. Did they place themselves, at 19, in a situation in which they were fairly certain that the other person would move to sexualize their relationship? Did they in effect use this person to out themselves creating a convenient and permanent scapegoat with which to escape the responsibility of their own sexuality? Or were they actually taken advantage of? This makes it difficult to sort out the good from the bad in such cases I would think. If the person in question really was looking for a way to explore their sexuality and couldn't think of any other way to do it than be less than honest with not only their partner, but themselves as well, then who exactly is at fault here? Certainly at 19 a young man is responsible for his actions in a sexual relationship.
Point is, if he's using that poor guy he slept with 34 years ago to explain away his own heinous behavior for the last several decades I say he should be drawn and quartered in the town square. Let's hear from the other guy in this situation, if he agrees with Les' version then he's a bastard. If he does indeed say that he and Les had consensual sex, then Les is a coward.
In the end the culture wars will rage on until and unless some of us can be a bit more forthright about our behaviors and our intentions. i.e.Mormons,those that want out of the closet,the scheming rich and powerful,etc. If that day ever comes we can all sit around the campfire and have ourselves a warm can of beans and talk about it. Because we'll probably be back to living in tents and eating beans out of a can by then. And we thought it was a third world country BEFORE Bush left office. Let's wait for the aftermath and see what he hath wrought.
Ah, the rewards of complacency.
Now THIS would keep me anything but complacent:

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