The soul has greater need of the ideal than the real for it is by the real that we exist, it is by the ideal that we live

Monday, January 5, 2009

Welcome to 2009!

Greetings! Welcome to the New year! We're about to get a new President. Our first African-American one. We're probably going to get a new stimulus check, which means they're sending us our children's money. We're about to see Melissa Etheridge, the apparent new arbiter of all things gay, and Rick Warren embrace in an effort to convince the rest of us that evangelicals, and Christians in general are worthy of our love too. The reverse is apparently not true. But what the hell, just because it's a new year we shouldn't have to change all our spots at once. We've laid a whole lot at the doorstep of this new guy and I hope everyone isn't all mad at him when most of it doesn't come to pass. He never said he'd do most of it, it got made up in someone's head. So if he gets 10% of what he did say he'd do accomplished, then we should be happy, for us and him.

I'm wading back in to the work thing cautiously. There is plenty to do and I need to get on it, like sometime last week. But I'll get there.

I read this morning that a Catholic Church in San Francisco was tagged this weekend. Not sure that's very cool. Catholics aren't my favorite people, but they build cool churches. Or at least they used to.

I've caused a big row at my apt. I've been getting awakened for weeks now in the night by someone or something banging. It stops as soon as I awake, therefore I have to assume it's due to my snoring, which is puzzling since I hear no one and I can't imagine they can hear me. But something is causing this and last night I got up around 1:30 and headed to the loo and banged into the closet door. Now, I use this door to convey my displeasure when the banging awakens me and apparently someone took exception to it last night cause they went nuts and banged and banged and yelled a LOT. I believe the phrase is, tough shit. Daddy don't sleep, nobody sleeps. I figure I'll hear from the office today. Maybe now that someone else is going to complain something will get done about it. I can't figure what though, since none of us can figure what's causing the banging to begin with. To borrow a phrase...bother.

Gas is on it's way up again. This is largely my fault. Saturday I was riding and talking with the woman I was with and I mentioned that I wanted to get these horsemanship training dvd's I'd seen on the internet and that if the price of gas would stay down through 2009 I'd be able to come to the stable more often and hopefully be able to employ some of what I will learn. Gas has gone up .20 since I said that, and is reportedly set to go even higher. Maybe I should just bring a horse home with me and park the car.

I do have high hopes though for 2009. Though I think economically it might be tough at times I still think there'll be some innovation in the job market and some things that have needed to exist for a while will come to pass. I am very hopeful that education will get some of the overhauling and $ it so badly needs.

But as for today, and this week. Have a good one

And here's some wonderful Jude Law-ness. Ain't he amazing?


Oh! I've added a couple of websites to my blogroll about anti-christianity. I haven't read much on the sites yet and I'll try to get to it this week, but I thought I'd share.

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