Nathan Runkle is a 24 year old activist who, at 15 started an organization called Mercy for Animals. Last week Nathan added another milestone to his impressive resume. He became a victim of a hate crime.
As always I am outraged by these irrational attacks on those who are considered less than, because they're different. I am outraged because the federal government does not count these crimes in their statistics, nor do most states. I am outraged because there is not a hue and cry from the populace that someone walking down the street can be beaten unrecognizable for no other reason than he is gay. And none of you do anything about it.
No letters to your Senators, and Representatives. No public demonstrations on behalf of those you know personally who are at risk. Nothing. It seems an apt demonstration of your concern.
The following is a link to the story on the huffingtonpost website about it. I hope you'll read it. I hope you'll at least attempt to understand the enormity of the need for federal hate crime legislation. I hope you'll at least attempt to understand that no one should have to live in fear because of who they are. I hope you'll attempt to understand that things change only when one person at a time stands up and says NO MORE. I hope...
A Hate Crime You Won't See in Statistics
I've heard a lot of you talk a good story over the years. But we're still dying.
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