A view this morning across Theis mall.
I love the first real snow. It's always so pretty and it's so quiet. I love it right up until I get in the car to go to work.
Dear God!
After sitting through the second light from home five times I decided that the main streets were not the way for me. I took a little detour and got here in record time without incident...knock wood. I felt sorry for those who were forced to take the highways and main streets today. They SUCKED.
Had I been smart I'd have faked an attempt to make it in and then called and said "can't make it." Alas I wasn't that sharp today.
I used a service for the first time this year to send out Christmas cards. Unfortunately, I didn't think the procedure through and merely copied my address book into the "send to" box, and didn't edit. So I sent holiday cards to a couple of people I didn't mean to. They're on a list, just not for happy holiday cards. Ah well, I'm spreading the love. Screw them.
I've just noticed that though I've enabled labels for my posts that I have to assign them. That's odd. I'd think blogger would do it for me.
So far this morning I've given medical advice, estate planning advice, mechanical advice, computer software advice, and driving advice. I should charge a fee.
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