This weekend I was busy busy busy. ALL the Christmas shopping was done in one swell foop, in one store. God bless Best Buy. And that cute little guy who waited on me, getting things down off the upper shelves, only to have me say, "um, no that's not what I want" and having to get back up there again and totally aware I was ogling his butt all afternoon.
Hey, I was spending a bunch of money on other people, I gotta get something out of the deal.
Then I had my annual pottery party. Oddly enough I sold everything this year. I was very surprised given the current economic climate, but as someone said while they were looking around, it's the year to give practical gifts. So my current love of bowls and pitchers paid off. Small matter in the economics department though. It'll all get plowed back into fixing the broken wheel, and buying more clay and chemicals for glazes. It keeps me in my favorite hobby so it's all worth it.
It's 4 degrees this morning and I am not pleased. I hate the cold. The car hates the cold. The apartment hates the cold. The electric company loves the cold cause my furnace is on A LOT! And it isn't supposed to get any better any time soon.
I've heard a lot of good talk about Milk, so I want to see that one day soon. I don't really understand all the fuss about James Franco though. And for me not to get fuss over an Italian guy is saying something. He's a cutie, I get that, but skinnyyyyy!

Is he doing what I think he's doing? I'll never understand youth. Shaving what little they got. That boy needs a good meal.
And Tom Cruise is on his ass kissing tour of the media. "I came off arrogant."
No Tom, you were arrogant. You were more yourself in that interview than you are now, I believe. This new, touchy-feely Tom is the guy who needs his movie to do well. Which, though it's possible, I doubt it will actually draw the crowds. Especially with it's revisionist theme. Nazi who totally loves Hitler, right up until Hitler starts to lose the war, then decides he has to be killed and makes a mess of it. What makes this a sympathetic character? Why would I want to watch this movie? It's a movie about a guy I don't care about, screwing up a thing he only wants to do cause the other guy isn't evil enough. And it stars Tom Cruise. Pass.
I read this blog from time to time about this guy who came out in his 20's while he was married, and had two kids. But as it's progressed he's become this self-involved little queen who sates one guy after the other and just can't understand why he can't find love. The ex-wifey and the kids have not been mentioned in a LONG time. So, now I wonder if they ever even existed. There are days I wonder if everyone on the internet is using their anonymity to take the opportunity to make up lives they really don't have.
Well, go get one! It's not really hard. Of course, you do have to put forth some effort. Something we Americans aren't very good at anymore.
Or, you could just keep making yourselves up and let us all wonder at the holes in your story over the long-term.
So, have a nice week, remember Christmas is in 11 days. Stay warm.
Franco is actually Portugese/Swedish/Russian-Jewish, not Italian. Maybe that's why you're not getting the fuss! ;)
Obviously I didn't know all that. It certainly could be.
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