It appears that stupid poor people cost gay men and women their civil rights in California last month.
It amazes me that America suffers so profoundly from Hypegiaphobia. (fear of responsibility)
Grow the fuck up!
When we are able to stand up and say, "Ok, well, we fucked this up folks. We should have been out there every day educating those stupid poor people, and converting those evangelicals to our way of thinking, but we just never considered the possibility that Prop 8 would pass. Sorry, maybe the Supreme Court will fix this thing."
Then, and only then, will we truly be worthy of shouldering the responsibility of the civil rights we're fighting so hard to keep. And they do carry a responsibility!
We live like a bunch of teenagers wondering where our next approval fix will come from. Instant gratification and complete acceptance and approval are the only things we know. And certainly the only things we're interested in.
I say stop whining, get out there and demonstrate your ass off, insist that you are a viable member of society, refuse to accept less than your civil rights, and act like an adult while doing it.
I have to wonder if the impending economic depression won't mend some of these societal ills. When a lot of us, hopefully not me, will be standing in line for soup and wondering where it all went wrong will we finally say, "Oh! It was that part where I skipped merrily along with my credit card and my overpaid job thinking that my mortgage wouldn't explode and my credit would be ever expanding all my life and nothing would EVER be my problem. That's where I went wrong."
Everything is your problem!
From the drug wars in Juarez, to Global Warming, to Economic collapse, to the Israelis and Palestinians, to Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and his uranium, to Iraq, to people being executed for being who they are, to bigotry, to ignorance, to poverty, to the potholes in the road on your way to work.
It's all your problem.
Now, yes, you have to choose your battles and fight them wisely, but choose! Please! We've got some pretty difficult obstacles in the road ahead, and we MUST start facing reality.
The current administration is sacking the treasury as we speak, and they're doing it in full public view. They're telling us all that the people that they don't approve of are second class citizens, and enlisting the help of organized religion to do their dirty work. And they're going to walk away with all our money and leave us in a cultural shambles with absolutely nothing to show for the last eight years but a big hole in the ground on the south end of Manhattan island.
There is little we can do about all that. But we can be heard. We just have to stop acting like children first.
-We're apparently so desperate for role models that we're now using fictional gay couples to solicit donations for worthy causes.
Project Holiday Spirit has begun a fund drive for Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS again this year, and they're honoring that non-existent couple Luke and Noah on some soap in the process. If you're going to give money to a charity this holiday season, this is one of the most important. Actors have very little money and their health insurance is dependent on how much they work, which is usually very little. So any help you can give this organization is important. Last year they "...contributed over $35,000 to 10 different charities in less than 12 months..."
So follow the link and pony up for those who really need it. (ok, so the link won't work, but you can cut and paste.)
All that said, tomorrow is Hot Guy Friday, and I DO get to be a kid while picking out the images. Love that!
Now THIS bastard you can blame.

"San Francisco Archbishop George Niederauer, who is slowly being revealed as the chief architect of organized religion's opposition to same-sex marriage in California, has issued his first statement since the vote.
"Religious leaders in America have the constitutional right to speak out on issues of public policy," Niederauer wrote in a statement posted on the archdiocese's Web site. "Catholic bishops, specifically, also have a responsibility to teach the faith, and our beliefs about marriage and family are part of this faith."
-courtesy of
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