The soul has greater need of the ideal than the real for it is by the real that we exist, it is by the ideal that we live

Monday, November 17, 2008

Where ya been?

Slow start today. I fell off my horse yesterday and though I'm fine I thought it a good excuse to take a day off. Like I need an excuse.

Hmmm. Where to begin.

Well I guess I should just start.

Friday I went to friends for cocktails. That was my first mistake.

I've mentioned the dreaded ex here previously, and mentioned how incestuous that whole relationship is.

I think it bears repeating that at 51 I should and do know my limits. Some do not.

I had two martinis and then we ordered dinner. After which I intended to have a hot tub and then go home. It turned out to be only me and my friend as the other two weren't capable of joining us.

I'm hesitant to go into any sordid detail because the ex embarrassed himself enough without my help.


Suffice it to say that someone is completely out of control and headed for a huge crash.

Now if I were stupid, and history has not proven that I'm not...

If I were stupid, I could step up and get right back into that situation if I chose.

Of course whatever is about to fall on him would then likely miss him and hit me, that's how it usually works in my experience.

The smart money is to have a few coherent thoughts on the issue:(which were in short supply Friday)

1.) If you love me so much where the fuck have you been for five years?

2.) I find it interesting that when you were employed, had a new condo, a new car, and money in your pocket, my phone never once rang. Now that you're unemployed my stock is suddenly rising.

3.) I also find it noteworthy that you have to get falling down drunk to say kind things to and about me.

The words, GET LOST! keep coming to mind. I don't know why.

What's the word I'm looking for?

oh yes...


My upstairs neighbor has turned out to be a squirrel who has not one, but two entrances into my attic. Eviction notice to be served shortly.

Very happy with all of you who "protested" Prop 8 etc this weekend. But I'm not quite sure you get the idea of civil disobedience. It's not a coffee klatch.

I suggest you look up the word disobedient and then try again. But good show.


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