The soul has greater need of the ideal than the real for it is by the real that we exist, it is by the ideal that we live

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

up and at 'em

I'm off the couch... I'm not happy about it, but I'm at least up and moving. I figured I'd better enjoy the sunshine while we've got it. Besides I've got an appt with the chiropractor this afternoon. Oh! and another hurricane is headed into the gulf and we're going to get the leftovers ALL WEEKEND!!! No sunshine for me! I hate the tropics.


So, my new saddle sits.

Those of you who know me will appreciate this. Yesterday I went to work for a few hours to do just what had to be done, so I parked on the street right outside my office. We're located in a downtown area and it's just west and above the river bottoms where the old livestock pens used to be many years ago. As I was leaving I smelled cattle. I thought that odd since there isn't any cattle around here anymore. But I went on, thinking no more about it. I stopped at the store on the way home. It's several miles away, and as I left there I smelled livestock again. I began to worry about olfactory hallucinations. I arrived home, put the car in the garage and as I stepped out of the car I smelled livestock again and finally I put it together.

The roads yesterday,were a pain because McCain and Palin had been staying at the Hotel President the night before, and were headed to their stump south of town, and there was some bike race coming through town too. So in an effort to avoid all of that I took back roads and trekked through the industrial area of the river bottoms. As I was turning off the last bridge I slid a little in this stuff on the roads and thought, "What the hell is all this crap on the roads."

Yes, that's exactly what it was.

The underside of my car is now coated with cow manure and it smells oh so wonderful. I'd wash it but it's going to start raining tomorrow and my neighbors can just complain until then about the smell in the garage. Sorry.

At least I know which one is mine in the parking lot.

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