The soul has greater need of the ideal than the real for it is by the real that we exist, it is by the ideal that we live

Monday, August 4, 2008

Oops! My mistake.

I slightly overdid this weekend in the heat. Friday started out as normal, cocktail party then dinner with friends. But Saturday is where I started to go wrong. I went to the stables early, and went out with not one, but two groups not stopping until almost Noon, at which point it was 95 degrees with 80% humidity. In retrospect, it just doesn't seem smart at all.

Not to be deterred by a little swampish weather action, I went immediately home where I undertook to organize the new closets and cabinets, stopping only at the liquor store, wal-mart for blueberries and strawberries, and GNC for allergy stuff.(I'm such a health nut) After which I went to dinner and the blues club with a friend. I'm also particularly bad at playing pool, (though I love it) and we spent an inordinate amount of money playing these other guys who roundly beat our asses...repeatedly. And I wonder why the light bill gives me chest pains.

Speaking of which, that damn thing came on Friday. Oh Shit! There'll be conservation measures implemented immediately! The fucking light bill was more than the car payment! After the paramedics left, I re-thought that budget for August.

Sunday, as usual I got up and took the bike for a 25 mile ride. That may have been a bit too much in the heat, considering that I was back in bed at 10am, and nauseous the rest of the day. OK! OK! I'm not 25 anymore. I'll take it easy until the heat abates. You must understand though that this bike thing becomes an addiction just like anything else. Your body starts to crave those endorphins and you just gotta ride. It's pathetic that we're motivated by our addictions.

Monday promises to be pretty quiet, so I may just take this opportunity to catch up on some of that stuff I never do at work that I'm, shall we say, a bit behind on. Meaning, I should start working on 2008.

And in that frame of mind I leave you.


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