The soul has greater need of the ideal than the real for it is by the real that we exist, it is by the ideal that we live

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Swearing off the slime...

I think, though I'll continue to post here, of course, and still look in on a certain playwright, that I'll just stop with the blogosphere already.

The blogs I read lately consist of a guy who may or may not be about to shuffle off this mortal coil, a young guy who thinks he's the Dali Lama, another younger guy, who though cryptic in a lot of ways publishes shadowy pictures of himself(nothing prurient, mind you.), and then deletes them when you look at them. (odd) But also a guy who doesn't apparently exist, a woman who is STILL wallowing in self-pity that he stole her words, and a guy who seems to float in and out of the country with as much ease as I move from city to suburb daily. If it's believable it's not by much.

Now, of course, if a certain someone would suddenly shuffle off this mortal coil as it were, I'd be mortified that I questioned it at all, but there is so much out here that is purposely meant to mislead, to draw you into either a lie or an argument, or just to satisfy someone else's Bullshit quotient that is has suddenly become NOT WORTH IT!

I'm a busy guy folks, and I have a genetically low setting on my Bullshit barometer, so I find it a little tedious to sit down to read something and then find out the person claiming it happened is not exactly telling me the truth! Jesus!!!

I think I'm sticking with the guy in the woods and the lustful asian playwright. (though I'm laying claim to Brendan Fraser, I'm older, I have seniority.)They were my firsts and still my faves. Everyone else... have a nice internet existence. If you exist, I hope you continue to do so. If not,well, there you have it.



Prince Gomolvilas said...

Look, there is enough man meat on Brendan Fraser that he can be passed back and forth rather easily, like a popsicle. Don't be greedy.

The New Me said...

A Brendan Fraser Popsicle.

That's licensing at it's finest.

You're on!