Jensen Ackles is this week's subject-
He's a hottie.
I've seen him interviewed a couple of times. I think maybe he should stick to scripts cause he doesn't come off as too bright. I doubt he's as dumb as all that but interviews...not his thing.
I don't watch much television, but I try to see Supernatural every week. The show is "eh", but his character is such a little tough guy I can't resist. Not that he's little IMDB says he's something like 6ft, but still. I'd make a complete fool of myself over him, were I 20 years younger.
Now for my rant-
Surely I can't be the only person to have noticed a dramatic change in their credit card bills lately. Yesterday I got my statement and there was an increase in my monthly payment. OF $62.00 A MONTH!!!! Chase attributed it to the new credit card legislation that recently went into effect.
This gives me pause, as it should all of you. Is this the fruit of the last eight years? Is this the kind of thing we can expect to reap from having our current legislative team? What else is in store for us?
I mean, we already have people who can't afford gas for their cars, yet Venezuelans are paying .12 a gallon for the stuff. We're just now beginning to see the price increases that are going to result from the fuel debacle, surely we all understand that the increases have just begun. We're going to be paying for everyone's fuel costs just so THEY can make a living. Everything is going up in price, and soon.
I had to ask myself, what do people who make very little do about stuff like this? I am in the fortunate position that I make enough to pay this extra amount and though I'll bitch about it, and it'll be a slight inconvenience for me, I planned such emergencies into my budget and I won't suffer catastrophic-ally as a result.
Now if the other credit card companies follow suit I will see disaster. I can only do so much. But honestly, what do people who make, oh, say, 20k do when shit like this happens? What if they have kids? What if they get sick? What happens then?
The recent changes to federal bankruptcy law make it almost impossible for them to file for that relief. What's next debtor's prison? Seriously? What are we supposed to do with all this financial bad news? It's proven time and again that money is the biggest stressor in most people's lives, and our own representatives are helping people screw us.
I'd ask what's wrong with them, but it's obvious. I do however, have to ask what the fuck is wrong with us? How can we keep putting up with such nonsense. And nonsense is exactly what it is, it cannot be made sense of. No one with ANY explanation can make this sensible. No one. And those to whom we should be able to turn simply do not care.
So I ask you this? What are you going to do for your country? Are you going to just stand there and take it? Are you going to just continue to be a lemming and allow them to herd you off the cliff? It really is way past time we stood up and did SOMETHING to save our country, it's being decimated and we are not powerless.
1 comment:
The amazing thing is that the world oil market is glutted. The price increases are ENTIRELY due to Wall Street speculation. Yet the White House will not do a thing to stop it.
Most analysts say that if the speculators were stopped, the price would immediately return to around $50 or $60 a barrel.
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