This is Jason Gedrick from a film he did 20 years ago called Still Life. He has only gotten better as he's aged. Happy Hot Guy Friday!
Well teaching is all but over until fall. Last night we did an analysis,(sort of) of Our Town in class. I just wanted to be sure they got the idea of the thing. It was very difficult to get that across to them, but they stepped up. I got some really good responses to some pretty difficult questions. Now they can worry until next week about their final.
I slept the sleep of the just last night,after herding horses first thing in the morning, working all day, riding my bike at lunch, racing home to retrieve the new bike from the office staff at the apartment,(it's so sweet btw) and then putting it together and taking a little ride before racing to class last evening. I was a little more than tired when I got home.
This did not prevent me from getting on the new bike at 10pm for a little while. OMG! I am in love with an inanimate object...again. That bike was worth every exorbitant penny I spent on it. I want to take the Trek I bought two years ago and set it on fire and dance around it. If it weren't raining today I'd be out there. In fact I may do it later anyway.
For some reason I had a little epiphany yesterday. I was thinking about another teaching job and how difficult it's been to find one...blah blah blah. And then I remembered a post I did a little while ago.
What the hell am I struggling so hard for? I already have most everything I want. And as Mick says, "You can't always get what you want."
Starting today, right now in fact, I'm going to try harder to just let go. Go with the flow and see what happens. I can't make any of the stuff I want happen any sooner than it's supposed to. All I can really do is ignore what I have. Which is, of course, stupid.
I'm in better shape in almost all respects than I was at 40, and things don't have any reason to look anywhere other than up. And so I shall too. What the hell have I been thinking? I may count my blessings on this blog from time to time, but I sure don't stop and appreciate them often enough.
Time to start doing just that.
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