I found this picture on Towleroad.com and thought it should be shared with as many of you as possible. Amusing no? Talk about product placement.
Now, if you're not in the mood to listen to me slam Obama some more perhaps you should come back tomorrow. If you are, then you're in the right place.
It needs to be said, not that anyone will listen, but it needs to be said anyway, that there is going to be a lot of talk today and tomorrow about how Clinton's win in Pennsylvania doesn't mean much and that the delegate numbers speak for themselves.
Well, yes, that's true they do.
Neither of the democratic candidates has enough votes to win the nomination!
Neither one.
He has a few more than she does, but he still isn't a lock. The only way he's a lock is if Howard the Dean is conspiring in the wings, and we all know that's what that bastard does, to seat Florida and Michigan with a 50-50 split of delegates. This is bullshit, he didn't even campaign there, but bullshit is what makes politics tick so I guess that's to be expected.
Point being, this thing will go all the way to the convention if he doesn't get those two states. It takes slightly over 2000 delegates to win the nomination and he does not have them. I'd love to see this one be a nail-biter.
Yes, I think he'll be the nominee, and no sadly I do not think he will win the Presidency. I think his candidacy will bring the bigots out in force to be sure there is not an African-American in the White House, which makes John McCain the President of the United States, and if that happens, well, as has been said many times...we get the government we deserve. Can you imagine? And we thought the current nut case was a bad choice.
So folks, just in case, let's all start looking for friendlier climes, and governments that aren't on self-destruct. Perhaps we can all find Valhalla. Wouldn't that be nice. I'd settle for Agrestic as long as I had a good connection.
BTW. Welcome back Missoula! The Northwest has been conspicuously absent from my feed for several days. Thanks for coming back.
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