I guess I'm starting to show my age. I haven't bounced back from this little episode of illness like I used to. Today I plan to throw caution to the wind and actually eat the noodles and chicken in the Campbell's soup I'll have. Brave huh?
It's making me nuts! I can't ride, I can't read and prepare Thursday's lecture, I can't sit at the wheel and throw pots, I can't do anything but lay here and be lethargic. It totally sucks.
I get a little better every day, but whatever this was it sure has made me appreciate how healthy I normally am.
It was inevitable though. I was just thinking a few weeks ago how lucky I'd been all winter, that through that horrible months-long ordeal that I hadn't even had the sniffles.
Then, of course, I went right out and overdid. I jumped on a horse, and started riding my bike, and spending time doing things to the car etc. Not thinking for a second that maybe I should pace myself. That this all might take a break-in period since I wasn't nearly this active for the last six months.
I also didn't consider that I am in constant contact with those germy urchins at the college who potentially bring to me, in three hours, the amount of exposure to germs that I normally have in a month. So, like I said...inevitable.
I find that I can concentrate a little more today. I have been able to get things pretty much caught up at work, so that alone made me feel a little better.
It's just pathetic that I am reduced to this...this...pile of rubble by a little virus.
So much for aging gracefully.
The soul has greater need of the ideal than the real for it is by the real that we exist, it is by the ideal that we live
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Monday, April 28, 2008
down and out
Sorry about Hot Guy Friday.
I'm sick. Not sure what it is, everyone seems to think it's food poisoning, and the dr. says it's a bug. So, being the poor sick asshole in the middle of all these diagnoses, I am down for the count.
I'll resume when I can.
I'm sick. Not sure what it is, everyone seems to think it's food poisoning, and the dr. says it's a bug. So, being the poor sick asshole in the middle of all these diagnoses, I am down for the count.
I'll resume when I can.
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
shit! damnit!! Fuck!
sorry, my cuss-o-meter numbers were headed down.
With this restorative post I'm 746% ahead of other blogs for cussing. Phew! almost lost my lead.
sorry, my cuss-o-meter numbers were headed down.
With this restorative post I'm 746% ahead of other blogs for cussing. Phew! almost lost my lead.
Now that's finding your niche!

I found this picture on Towleroad.com and thought it should be shared with as many of you as possible. Amusing no? Talk about product placement.
Now, if you're not in the mood to listen to me slam Obama some more perhaps you should come back tomorrow. If you are, then you're in the right place.
It needs to be said, not that anyone will listen, but it needs to be said anyway, that there is going to be a lot of talk today and tomorrow about how Clinton's win in Pennsylvania doesn't mean much and that the delegate numbers speak for themselves.
Well, yes, that's true they do.
Neither of the democratic candidates has enough votes to win the nomination!
Neither one.
He has a few more than she does, but he still isn't a lock. The only way he's a lock is if Howard the Dean is conspiring in the wings, and we all know that's what that bastard does, to seat Florida and Michigan with a 50-50 split of delegates. This is bullshit, he didn't even campaign there, but bullshit is what makes politics tick so I guess that's to be expected.
Point being, this thing will go all the way to the convention if he doesn't get those two states. It takes slightly over 2000 delegates to win the nomination and he does not have them. I'd love to see this one be a nail-biter.
Yes, I think he'll be the nominee, and no sadly I do not think he will win the Presidency. I think his candidacy will bring the bigots out in force to be sure there is not an African-American in the White House, which makes John McCain the President of the United States, and if that happens, well, as has been said many times...we get the government we deserve. Can you imagine? And we thought the current nut case was a bad choice.
So folks, just in case, let's all start looking for friendlier climes, and governments that aren't on self-destruct. Perhaps we can all find Valhalla. Wouldn't that be nice. I'd settle for Agrestic as long as I had a good connection.
BTW. Welcome back Missoula! The Northwest has been conspicuously absent from my feed for several days. Thanks for coming back.
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
It's spring!
Last night there were thunder storms! I laid in bed and listened to the thunder and the hail as it rained...really hard! It was so nice to hear something besides sleet hitting the windows.
Today it's going to be cloudy but about 74 degrees! I will be riding at lunch. I hope to get in a good ten miles. I didn't get to ride this weekend since I had to work saturday.
And! The Scientologists are apparently at it again. One of their own has defected, I guess you'd say, and they're out to stop any of his info from reaching the public.

Jason Beghe, an actor, was a member and recently had a car accident in which he was seriously injured. This was deemed as odd since his particular position in the church apparently guarantees that he's immortal. (I cannot believe people fall for this shit.) SO the churches position is that his immortality was being supressed because he has a gay friend. Therefore he was not yet immortal.
Is it me or does this sound particularly crazy?
Oh and the rumor is that the video interview of Beghe talking about all this was taken down because Scientologists were successful at getting the account that sponsored it cancelled. I have to wonder if they work for George W. Bush.

This image has no special significance, except it's particularly gay and I'm relatively certain it'll bug the shit out of the Scientologists. So of course it's getting posted here.
After yesterday's post, and now this one, do you get the feeling I'm not a big fan of organized religion?
P.S. If anyone has the video of Beghe being interviewed and wants to post it here let me know. I'd love to see them try to cancel me. fuckers..bring it.
It's spring!
Last night there were thunder storms! I laid in bed and listened to the thunder and the hail as it rained...really hard! It was so nice to hear something besides sleet hitting the windows.
Today it's going to be cloudy but about 74 degrees! I will be riding at lunch. I hope to get in a good ten miles. I didn't get to ride this weekend since I had to work saturday.
And! The Scientologists are apparently at it again. One of their own has defected, I guess you'd say, and they're out to stop any of his info from reaching the public.

Jason Beghe, an actor, was a member and recently had a car accident in which he was seriously injured. This was deemed as odd since his particular position in the church apparently guarantees that he's immortal. (I cannot believe people fall for this shit.) SO the churches position is that his immortality was being supressed because he has a gay friend. Therefore he was not yet immortal.
Is it me or does this sound particularly crazy?
Oh and the rumor is that the video interview of Beghe talking about all this was taken down because Scientologists were successful at getting the account that sponsored it cancelled. I have to wonder if they work for George W. Bush.

This image has no special significance, except it's particularly gay and I'm relatively certain it'll bug the shit out of the Scientologists. So of course it's getting posted here.
After yesterday's post, and now this one, do you get the feeling I'm not a big fan of organized religion?
P.S. If anyone has the video of Beghe being interviewed and wants to post it here let me know. I'd love to see them try to cancel me. fuckers..bring it.
Monday, April 21, 2008
Hypocrisy on Parade

Photo courtesy of Joemygod
It appears that Pope Benedict has FINALLY left the country. Let's hope it's for good. The notation on Joemygod that the throngs at the barricades are remarkable made me laugh. He brought us all 6 days of demonstrable catholic hatred that we all should have paid rapt attention to. Catholicism is where hate began.

This is Father Mykal Judge, perhaps you remember him more like this:

Fr. Mike was victim 0001 on September 11, 2001. He died ministering to people at the most dire moment in recent history.
Pope Benedict did not utter his name when he was at Ground Zero this weekend.
Why you ask?
Perhaps it's because Mykal Judge was openly gay.
And in a moment of inspirational hatred he stood on the ground where Fr Judge gave his life for what he truly believed in and dedicated his life to, and said:
"God of peace, bring your peace to our violent world:
peace in the hearts of all men and women
and peace among the nations of the earth.
Turn to your way of love
those whose hearts and minds
are consumed with hatred."
Sometimes I wonder if I'll ever stop wondering when those who profess to preach love and acceptance will stop teaching a message of universal hate and distrust with their hypocrisy.
Friday, April 18, 2008
Two Things and an additional peep

Apparently no one got the Eva Gabor reference in Wednesday's post. I get allergic smelling hay! Was one of her lines in the opening song to her series Green Acres. Let's just hope you're all too young to know that.
And I found something over at breaktheillusion.com that I wanted to share. I don't often subscribe to Dave's ideas because I think his view of life is a little simplistic. But today he hit the nail on the head with this:
"If you seek a world of death, destruction and destitution, you will find it. If you seek a world of infinite beauty, perfection and hope, you will find it. Seek, and ye shall find."
I was reminded of my former sister with that one. She has surely found what she sought.
Have a good weekend all! Rest, recover,restore, recreate, do what makes you whole each day.
Thursday, April 17, 2008
It's Hot Guy Friday!!!

Have I ever mentioned that I lust after Dylan Walsh? I lust after Dylan McKay (Luke Perry)too but you'd all just make fun of me for posting him, so I'll keep my Dylan McKay Crush to myself thank you.
Nip/Tuck used to be a fun show. I never get to watch it anymore besides I do not like that other guy at all. Someone once referred to Dylan Walsh as an aging frat boy. Now there's an age old fetish I'd indulge a lot more often if they all still looked like this!
Spring was lovely
Yesterday we had spring..it was very nice. Today it's cold and rainy. I wish we still had an atmosphere, it used to be so fun.
I forgot to mention that I found an apartment. It's not very far from the current one, but it's a lot nicer and though I'll only have a carport instead of a garage, I have requested a space on the end so maybe one side of my new car will be spared the wrath of my neighbors doors. The new place, though I have to pay the utilities will actually be less than what I'm spending now, and I'll have a bigger deck, a proper bedroom, a real dining room, a washer and dryer,and a fireplace, and they supply the firewood so I'm not unhappy about it. The actual moving is a whole other story. I'm totally hiring a couple of cute guys to haul all that shit around while I watch. There will be auditions....er interviews. whatever you want to call them, uglies need not apply.
The new apartment faces south so I can plant some things for the deck this spring. I really want to grow stuff. I miss that living in an apartment. But if things keep up we'll all have to telecommute to work and we can stay home and grow our own food like we used to. Of course when that happens I'm really moving to the country so I can have a horse. I'm totally ready for that kind of living.
I've forgotten if I mentioned that I was renewed to teach next fall. I'm happy about it I just wish it was elsewhere. There must be a reason the universe is keeping me here, I just wish they'd spit it out instead of taking the long road.
I forgot to mention that I found an apartment. It's not very far from the current one, but it's a lot nicer and though I'll only have a carport instead of a garage, I have requested a space on the end so maybe one side of my new car will be spared the wrath of my neighbors doors. The new place, though I have to pay the utilities will actually be less than what I'm spending now, and I'll have a bigger deck, a proper bedroom, a real dining room, a washer and dryer,and a fireplace, and they supply the firewood so I'm not unhappy about it. The actual moving is a whole other story. I'm totally hiring a couple of cute guys to haul all that shit around while I watch. There will be auditions....er interviews. whatever you want to call them, uglies need not apply.
The new apartment faces south so I can plant some things for the deck this spring. I really want to grow stuff. I miss that living in an apartment. But if things keep up we'll all have to telecommute to work and we can stay home and grow our own food like we used to. Of course when that happens I'm really moving to the country so I can have a horse. I'm totally ready for that kind of living.
I've forgotten if I mentioned that I was renewed to teach next fall. I'm happy about it I just wish it was elsewhere. There must be a reason the universe is keeping me here, I just wish they'd spit it out instead of taking the long road.
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
I get allergic smelling hay!
The first half of this week has been spent trying out various new allergy medications. Why we cannot stay with the tried and true I'll never understand. My allergist isn't a particularly adventurous guy but if the drug companies say "new!" He's prescribing the hell out of it.
This time however, instead of not working at all the new medication worked a bit too well. Let's just say my apartment is cleaner than it's ever been. I made a return visit to his office this morning and explained (in record time) why this particular side effect was not my favorite. We've gone back to what we knew worked to begin with, and after this new stuff wears off I'll hopefully be able to stifle the urge to wax the car at 4am.
It is however only Wednesday and though I'm still feeling extremely efficient I'm hoping to return to normal because Rob Brezny of Freewill Astrology says:
"In her book Dr. Tatiana's Sex Advice to All Creation, biologist Olivia Judson extols the male members of the fruitfly species Drosophila bifurca. Although they are barely one-eighth of an inch long, their sperm can be up to 2.3 inches long. If a man were capable of the same prodigious production, his sperm would be as big as a whale. Metaphorically speaking, you Geminis now have the ability to generate phenomena on this scale. That's why I hope you will devote all your ingenuity and resourcefulness to creating an intricate, beautiful masterpiece, not a humongous, complicated mass of confusion."
Confusion rules my brain at the moment so once I stop being an experimental model for Pfizer, or whoever makes this shit I will hopefully be able to start work on a masterpiece.
One of the blogs I read frequently (ok, I read it every day.) My confessions has some extremely good news to share. Along with it's usual bit of potentially tragic uncertainty. But the good news is really good so I was glad to hear it.
Here the weather is threatening to improve, if only to the windy side, at least one can go out of doors without several layers of clothing, which is very different than normal.
I found a new website while I was laying on the couch yesterday morning (pre-medication) Farecompare.com it's a website that alerts you when a good fare is available to someplace you want to go. So hopefully this will allow me to start going to a few of those places.
Oh! I meant to say something about the group that is pleading with the California courts not to throw the book at Brandon McInerney for killing Larry King. They're right, and I've said this from the beginning of the whole mess. That kid is not to blame for what he was taught. Let's find the asshole that let him think it was ok to kill someone because they're different than you and throw the book at that bastard. I can guarantee there's a bigoted adult responsible. Let's send them to jail and see what happens to them. I'd be ok with whatever it was.
This time however, instead of not working at all the new medication worked a bit too well. Let's just say my apartment is cleaner than it's ever been. I made a return visit to his office this morning and explained (in record time) why this particular side effect was not my favorite. We've gone back to what we knew worked to begin with, and after this new stuff wears off I'll hopefully be able to stifle the urge to wax the car at 4am.
It is however only Wednesday and though I'm still feeling extremely efficient I'm hoping to return to normal because Rob Brezny of Freewill Astrology says:
"In her book Dr. Tatiana's Sex Advice to All Creation, biologist Olivia Judson extols the male members of the fruitfly species Drosophila bifurca. Although they are barely one-eighth of an inch long, their sperm can be up to 2.3 inches long. If a man were capable of the same prodigious production, his sperm would be as big as a whale. Metaphorically speaking, you Geminis now have the ability to generate phenomena on this scale. That's why I hope you will devote all your ingenuity and resourcefulness to creating an intricate, beautiful masterpiece, not a humongous, complicated mass of confusion."
Confusion rules my brain at the moment so once I stop being an experimental model for Pfizer, or whoever makes this shit I will hopefully be able to start work on a masterpiece.
One of the blogs I read frequently (ok, I read it every day.) My confessions has some extremely good news to share. Along with it's usual bit of potentially tragic uncertainty. But the good news is really good so I was glad to hear it.
Here the weather is threatening to improve, if only to the windy side, at least one can go out of doors without several layers of clothing, which is very different than normal.
I found a new website while I was laying on the couch yesterday morning (pre-medication) Farecompare.com it's a website that alerts you when a good fare is available to someplace you want to go. So hopefully this will allow me to start going to a few of those places.
Oh! I meant to say something about the group that is pleading with the California courts not to throw the book at Brandon McInerney for killing Larry King. They're right, and I've said this from the beginning of the whole mess. That kid is not to blame for what he was taught. Let's find the asshole that let him think it was ok to kill someone because they're different than you and throw the book at that bastard. I can guarantee there's a bigoted adult responsible. Let's send them to jail and see what happens to them. I'd be ok with whatever it was.
Monday, April 14, 2008
It's Hot Guy Friday!...ok Monday.
I was wholly unaware so many of you were dependent on my Friday selection of a guy to look at. Well far be it from me to deny you all. I was busy Friday and couldn't get it done. Sorry.
But here he is!

An apparently little known actor named Scott Bairstow, whom I've lusted after for over a decade. Yeah I know what he did, don't care. He's hetereosexual and they apparently do that stuff. Rumor has it he's been saved as well. So much for Jee-bus and his powers of Saving. I guess being saved means that you should go out and jump on a twelve year-old. I can't imagine why he'd do that when he could have me at his disposal 24-7. (and NO jail time involved) Go figure.
And as an added bonus to make up for my neglect:

The Hall twins!
I know they're probably a little long in the tooth by now but they too (two?) have indulged my twin fantasy for over a decade. (and WHO doesn't have a twin fantasy?...don't lie)
Happy Monday, have a good week, I'm off to slave away for at least a while. (the weather is supposed to be gorgeous, and after that shitty weekend I need a ride, so I may arrive at work with a cough. hehe)
But here he is!

An apparently little known actor named Scott Bairstow, whom I've lusted after for over a decade. Yeah I know what he did, don't care. He's hetereosexual and they apparently do that stuff. Rumor has it he's been saved as well. So much for Jee-bus and his powers of Saving. I guess being saved means that you should go out and jump on a twelve year-old. I can't imagine why he'd do that when he could have me at his disposal 24-7. (and NO jail time involved) Go figure.
And as an added bonus to make up for my neglect:

The Hall twins!
I know they're probably a little long in the tooth by now but they too (two?) have indulged my twin fantasy for over a decade. (and WHO doesn't have a twin fantasy?...don't lie)
Happy Monday, have a good week, I'm off to slave away for at least a while. (the weather is supposed to be gorgeous, and after that shitty weekend I need a ride, so I may arrive at work with a cough. hehe)
Friday, April 11, 2008
Apartment hunting is awful
I hate apartment hunting. My lease will be up at the end of June and everyone seems to think I need to get a jump on the issue. Meaning, the current mgt has made me a totally gracious offer to only increase my rent $80 a month to stay in my itty-bitty noisy smelly apartment. This does not include the garage. God knows how much they intend to increase that. I felt a public review was in order so I went to apartmentratings.com and dashed off this little missive. I hope it generates the amount of new tenancy they deserve. Ashame really, they're in a great location and have everything you could want. The place is just full of crazy white trash that hasn't gotten the memo that this is NOT a trailer park...yet.
Anyway, I found the new place. It has everything but a garage. I'll have a carport instead. The complex with garages right next door has nothing open so I settled. It seems pretty cool and puts me closer to the bike trail and a little closer to the stables without getting me too far from work, work, and work.
I still have some time. Moving day won't be until June 29th. Now to start packing...AHHH! Who brought all this stuff in my apartment?
This weekend is a viewing of Ang Lee's Lust, Caution. I can't wait! It's supposed to be full of hot Asian man meat. Now you're talkin'!
Anyway, I found the new place. It has everything but a garage. I'll have a carport instead. The complex with garages right next door has nothing open so I settled. It seems pretty cool and puts me closer to the bike trail and a little closer to the stables without getting me too far from work, work, and work.
I still have some time. Moving day won't be until June 29th. Now to start packing...AHHH! Who brought all this stuff in my apartment?
This weekend is a viewing of Ang Lee's Lust, Caution. I can't wait! It's supposed to be full of hot Asian man meat. Now you're talkin'!
Someone's out There!
Someone in Oklahoma City is reading my blog. You think Sally is trying to contact me? Or maybe she's just stalking me. I'm one of those people who's such a threat you know!
I wonder if she's got a network that's looking at all gay blogs and making a list. I hope they check it twice. Now I know why people are paranoid. It's kinda fun to think all this crazy shit...at least for a while.
I wonder if she's got a network that's looking at all gay blogs and making a list. I hope they check it twice. Now I know why people are paranoid. It's kinda fun to think all this crazy shit...at least for a while.
Thursday, April 10, 2008
I watched No Country For Old Men again last night. OMG!!! I love that movie. I don't know what else to say it's sooo my kind of film.
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
a trend ?
Yesterday was a mental health day. So I did nothing but what I wanted. You were not on the list.
I rode a horse three hours this weekend, which was fantastic. I rode my bike 20 miles on Sunday, which was good, but not fantastic, there was this vicious headwind the entire way back, I was not amused. I saw Stop-Loss. You better hurry, there were about ten people there when I saw it. The problem is that we're all Iraq'd out. No one wants to go to the movies and see something about it. I know those guiys volunteer to go over there, BUT!
They really don't after the first time. I mean, if you're in, you're in. And if they want to send you naked and humping a monkey on a rocket to the moon, that's where you're going. It's got to be tough to think you've done your duty and then find out Uncle has other ideas. The movie is a little slow but worth the time.
Went apartment hunting. The lease is almost up where I am and the increase on the new lease is exorbitant so I'm getting out. I'd hoped to be relocating late this summer, but it appears I won't be, so I have to find a new place here. It sucks. Finding an apt with a garage is not an easy task and I have now become addicted to having one. I'll prevail eventually.
It's gray and rainy here...again....does anyone notice a trend this year? I'd love a cool summer, but damn does the winter have to be this long?
I'm boring myself here...enough of this for today.
Yesterday was a mental health day. So I did nothing but what I wanted. You were not on the list.
I rode a horse three hours this weekend, which was fantastic. I rode my bike 20 miles on Sunday, which was good, but not fantastic, there was this vicious headwind the entire way back, I was not amused. I saw Stop-Loss. You better hurry, there were about ten people there when I saw it. The problem is that we're all Iraq'd out. No one wants to go to the movies and see something about it. I know those guiys volunteer to go over there, BUT!
They really don't after the first time. I mean, if you're in, you're in. And if they want to send you naked and humping a monkey on a rocket to the moon, that's where you're going. It's got to be tough to think you've done your duty and then find out Uncle has other ideas. The movie is a little slow but worth the time.
Went apartment hunting. The lease is almost up where I am and the increase on the new lease is exorbitant so I'm getting out. I'd hoped to be relocating late this summer, but it appears I won't be, so I have to find a new place here. It sucks. Finding an apt with a garage is not an easy task and I have now become addicted to having one. I'll prevail eventually.
It's gray and rainy here...again....does anyone notice a trend this year? I'd love a cool summer, but damn does the winter have to be this long?
I'm boring myself here...enough of this for today.
Friday, April 4, 2008
The Boston Phoenix has listed Tom Brady as one of the unsexiest men of 2008.
Now, I'm sure Tom will be glad to hear that perhaps a couple less paparazzi will be following him around in 2008 because of this...this pronouncement by a bunch of drunk catholic bigots in Boston with Fantastic Sam's haricuts.
I on the other hand say FUCK YOU, YOU BOSTON CATHOLICS!!! (there goes my cuss-o-meter)
Miserable bunch of catholic bastards couldn't spot a hot guy (unless he was a minor) if he fell on you while you were saying a novena.
Tom is hot I tell you!
And he loves me. (he just doesn't know it yet)
See Tom and his package?
Aren't they amazing?
and he reads too!
Now, I'm sure Tom will be glad to hear that perhaps a couple less paparazzi will be following him around in 2008 because of this...this pronouncement by a bunch of drunk catholic bigots in Boston with Fantastic Sam's haricuts.
I on the other hand say FUCK YOU, YOU BOSTON CATHOLICS!!! (there goes my cuss-o-meter)
Miserable bunch of catholic bastards couldn't spot a hot guy (unless he was a minor) if he fell on you while you were saying a novena.
Tom is hot I tell you!
And he loves me. (he just doesn't know it yet)
See Tom and his package?

and he reads too!
It's Hot Guy Friday!

Now these guys should have been found last month when I was doing the speedo thing!
Well, at least they got found.
I've got to figure a way to get home and get my bike this morning. I forgot it and it's supposed to be wonderful out today. I must sneak out and ride for a while.
I think it's cocktails and movie night with some friends. Can't stay out too late, there's car stuff tomorrow and a ride is definitely happening. Also I am supposed to go ride a horse sometime around ten tomorrow morning so I gotta put that in my schedule.
Then tomorrow night I'm having Chinese with an old friend and then we're going to see the play at the college where I teach.
Sunday I have to clean do laundry and a lesson plan, and watch a movie.
So I've got a full weekend ahead. I hope I have the stamina for it all.
My friend Kenne in Hawaii sent me a picture of him and his car, that he's had for a year! It's one of those cute little Saturn sporty things. Perfect car for Hawaii and a car person.
My friend Lisa-Lin (whose 20th 30th birthday is Tuesday) has not sent me a picture of her new house. Nor did she tell me she bought one! I knew it was in the works, but the acquisition has apparently taken place already.
Congrats to both of you, dears!
I accidentally caught a few minutes of "Into the Blue" the other night when I was free. What a terrible film!!! Paul Walker... Handsome, I'm sure he's made millions off all those B movies he's done. But that man cannot act. He is singularly terrible.

The hottest guy in the movie was Josh Brolin and of course I can't find one picture of him from the movie. So here's a consolation prize. (I hate Diane Lane)
Well work beckons. actually the voicemail light is blinking and I better go find out who it was, since I didn't answer cause I was blogging.
Thursday, April 3, 2008
conundrums quandaries, and confusions
I just read a letter from my friend CC to his mom which he posted on his myspace page. It isn't good. I think the smog is getting to him. Either that or it's all those homosexual neighbors in West Hollywood. Can't really tell which, but those two things can really do in a boy from Big Stone Gap, VA. They may have finished off the few brain cells he had left before the 2 years probation tour started. Alas, Poor CC...I knew him.
I need to move. I need to get the hell out of this shithole and go elsewhere. There are several problems with this line of thinking.
The first is that I have everything I want right here. Well ok, not a man, but most of those are disposable anyway. But I have this job, that though mind numbing, is so ridiculously, um, how did CC put it? Oh yes, chushy. Yes, it's cushy. And that is likely bad for moving. I'd really need a new cushy job to replace it.
I have great bike trails to ride that are safe, well kept, and at the right time of day almost empty. The best one, which I want to live near, is 33 miles out and back, which is a great ride.
I have horses to ride and unbelievable places to ride them. There are over 50 miles of trails to ride at the stables I use and more than that when you add up all the little trails no one keeps up with. You can go "off-roading" with your horse and spend hours doing it.
I have a great little apartment. I hate my upstairs neighbor though. If I knew he was dead up there I don't think I'd tell anyone until he started to smell so I could enjoy the peace and quiet for a few days. That's how much I dislike this guy.
A lot of my friends are here, they love me and leave me alone for the most part, which proves they love me as far as I am concerned.
I'm making a lot of pottery, but I don't have a really good teacher yet. There are phases that I am going through and I hate all of them. I need someone to sit with me and say, "Oh, stop that! You're fucking up that pot cause you're not paying attention so stop it." This would not help most people. It would improve my work immensely.
I'm teaching, at least for now. Sadly, I love teaching. I say sadly because I never seem to find a job doing it all the time, no idea why. It's that job I'd do for free. Which is probably not the thing to tell potential employers, though I'd tell them that if they asked. They never do. I'm not listed on the schedule for the fall at the college I am at currently, but he thinks I'm going to be elsewhere teaching and I hope he's right. In the event he's not right I'm going to put in a plug for next semester when I'm at his show this weekend.
I have a...well...hmm...how do I classify Mike. I abhor certain terms that I refuse to employ, and I can't imagine there's any risk of him mistaking his role in our relationship so let's just say we keep each other sane and leave it at that. It's very handy.
I'm apparently getting more and more credit worthy (Which I could do without)cause I got people calling on the phone asking me if I want their credit cards. It's insane! No wonder there's a credit crunch in this country. If this is how they give it away it's obvious what happened. I got two calls last night alone! The only thing I want to buy on time is a house. Well, actually a condo. I don't want to own an actual building, just part of one. Other than that I do not want credit cards, they're scary. Especially when one is depressed, or rebellious, or hungry, or anywhere near a store of any kind.
I'm not traveling as much as I'd like, but that's as much out of laziness as anything else. I could go on a littler weekender every couple of months and two or three big ones every year if I wanted. It's just a lot of effort and I haven't wanted to bad enough I guess. Really I've been holding off on the travel until I got moved out of here.
I truth I just want to go sit down somewhere and get a job and stay. I'm tired of dragging all this shit from pillar to post and I want to go do things and not worry about all my stuff.
So as you can see I have to re-establish myself elsewhere so when I do move, there isn't that phase where I go insane trying to do the things I love. Maybe the best plan is to choose a place and start networking there. That way I can use my travel budget and vacation to get hooked-up, as it were, in the new place. Oh hell, now I'm being practical! I'm going back to bed.
I need to move. I need to get the hell out of this shithole and go elsewhere. There are several problems with this line of thinking.
The first is that I have everything I want right here. Well ok, not a man, but most of those are disposable anyway. But I have this job, that though mind numbing, is so ridiculously, um, how did CC put it? Oh yes, chushy. Yes, it's cushy. And that is likely bad for moving. I'd really need a new cushy job to replace it.
I have great bike trails to ride that are safe, well kept, and at the right time of day almost empty. The best one, which I want to live near, is 33 miles out and back, which is a great ride.
I have horses to ride and unbelievable places to ride them. There are over 50 miles of trails to ride at the stables I use and more than that when you add up all the little trails no one keeps up with. You can go "off-roading" with your horse and spend hours doing it.
I have a great little apartment. I hate my upstairs neighbor though. If I knew he was dead up there I don't think I'd tell anyone until he started to smell so I could enjoy the peace and quiet for a few days. That's how much I dislike this guy.
A lot of my friends are here, they love me and leave me alone for the most part, which proves they love me as far as I am concerned.
I'm making a lot of pottery, but I don't have a really good teacher yet. There are phases that I am going through and I hate all of them. I need someone to sit with me and say, "Oh, stop that! You're fucking up that pot cause you're not paying attention so stop it." This would not help most people. It would improve my work immensely.
I'm teaching, at least for now. Sadly, I love teaching. I say sadly because I never seem to find a job doing it all the time, no idea why. It's that job I'd do for free. Which is probably not the thing to tell potential employers, though I'd tell them that if they asked. They never do. I'm not listed on the schedule for the fall at the college I am at currently, but he thinks I'm going to be elsewhere teaching and I hope he's right. In the event he's not right I'm going to put in a plug for next semester when I'm at his show this weekend.
I have a...well...hmm...how do I classify Mike. I abhor certain terms that I refuse to employ, and I can't imagine there's any risk of him mistaking his role in our relationship so let's just say we keep each other sane and leave it at that. It's very handy.
I'm apparently getting more and more credit worthy (Which I could do without)cause I got people calling on the phone asking me if I want their credit cards. It's insane! No wonder there's a credit crunch in this country. If this is how they give it away it's obvious what happened. I got two calls last night alone! The only thing I want to buy on time is a house. Well, actually a condo. I don't want to own an actual building, just part of one. Other than that I do not want credit cards, they're scary. Especially when one is depressed, or rebellious, or hungry, or anywhere near a store of any kind.
I'm not traveling as much as I'd like, but that's as much out of laziness as anything else. I could go on a littler weekender every couple of months and two or three big ones every year if I wanted. It's just a lot of effort and I haven't wanted to bad enough I guess. Really I've been holding off on the travel until I got moved out of here.
I truth I just want to go sit down somewhere and get a job and stay. I'm tired of dragging all this shit from pillar to post and I want to go do things and not worry about all my stuff.
So as you can see I have to re-establish myself elsewhere so when I do move, there isn't that phase where I go insane trying to do the things I love. Maybe the best plan is to choose a place and start networking there. That way I can use my travel budget and vacation to get hooked-up, as it were, in the new place. Oh hell, now I'm being practical! I'm going back to bed.
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Breaking News!
"Fed chairman Bernanke says economy may "contract" slightly in first half of 2008."
I have to wonder if he realizes April Fool's is just for the one day.
I have to wonder if he realizes April Fool's is just for the one day.
told ya, told ya, told ya so!
This, my dears, is what you can make happen if you get off your collective asses and stand up for yourselves, instead of just taking all the horrible things that get said about you because you're a fag!
Jay Leno Apologies
"After his interview with actor Ryan Phillipe caused outrage from gay activists and spawned a entire website populated by people flipping Tonight Show host Jay Leno their middle fingers, GLAAD is reporting that the comedian has apologized.
"In talking about Ryan's first role, I realize that what I said came out wrong," the host said in a statement. "I certainly didn't mean any malice. I agree it was a dumb thing to say, and I apologize."
GLAAD goes on to congratulate Phillipe for not playing along with Leno's homophobic jokes, saying, "We are proud of Ryan for refusing to participate in Leno's thoughtless attempt at humor."
And now you know I'm right...we'd save a lot of time if you'd just operate on that principle
Jay Leno Apologies
"After his interview with actor Ryan Phillipe caused outrage from gay activists and spawned a entire website populated by people flipping Tonight Show host Jay Leno their middle fingers, GLAAD is reporting that the comedian has apologized.
"In talking about Ryan's first role, I realize that what I said came out wrong," the host said in a statement. "I certainly didn't mean any malice. I agree it was a dumb thing to say, and I apologize."
GLAAD goes on to congratulate Phillipe for not playing along with Leno's homophobic jokes, saying, "We are proud of Ryan for refusing to participate in Leno's thoughtless attempt at humor."
And now you know I'm right...we'd save a lot of time if you'd just operate on that principle
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Amazing April

Well, though I'm still not over my fit of paroxysm about the gayest look issue, I'm going to post cause it's the first of April and the calendar has new stuff to show off. And there are a number of people who read this blog who are on my email list who I either barely know, don't know at all, other than through this blog, or don't know at all, who obviously weren't those whom I was chastising. It's the 10-or 12 people I sent that email to who have known me many years who didn't even acknowledge it, nor even pretend they would do it, well that's not true, Oldflame pretended that he intended to do it, but I know him too well. Hell he can't acknowledge that he has feelings, let alone that he is gay, so how could I realistically expect a public declaration of his feelings about Jay Leno or anyone else making fun of us.
But enough of that.
Above is April, and though the picture doesn't show it too well, it's the funerary temple of Queen Hatshepsut which is cut into the cliffs of Deir el-Bahri in Thebes.
Next month...I'm tellin' you, is so fucking cool. I'm going to start taking pictures of it soon so I can get the best one for you. I fucking love this calendar.
I decided today that:
1. )I'll never go to Nebraska Furniture Mart again as long as I live. All I intended to do last Thursday was kill an hour before teaching my class. That was all I swear it. I came home, however, with a new living room..and of course a credit card to the damn Nebraska Furniture Mart. Nothing good can come of that. They delivered the stuff this morning.
2.) I am going to give myself a really cool birthday present. I'm going to ride in the Cottonwood 200. It's a 200 (duh) mile bike ride over three days through western and central Kansas. I better start training soon. I have a 62 mile ride on the 29th of this month so training for that will help, but 200 is a lotta miles. And when you belong to AARP, you gotta get a head start. It starts May 24 and ends on my birfday the 26th. I'll be taking a personal day on the 27th to rest the weary bones. Or! perhaps I should hire that deliveryman from this morning to drive me there and back! Now there's a thought!
3.) I'm going to do my best to stop obsessing about the teaching job I can't seem to find. I'm just going to keep plugging away at it and getting more and more credentials to bolster that degree and one day it'll pay off.
I think those are enough resolutions for one April fool.
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