The soul has greater need of the ideal than the real for it is by the real that we exist, it is by the ideal that we live

Friday, October 19, 2007

The rules at Positronics


But first, something for your prurient interests.

I just love Tim Daly, always have. Be thankful I didn't include the butt shot. This movie was singularly horrible. Well, no, according to Richard Rothstein over at there is a movie more horrible than Dr. Jekyll/Ms. Hyde, and it's called Coffee Date.

He says it's a gay romantic comedy,(kill me now)that shows that we gays( gay, by the way, is NOT a noun!) deal with the daily frustrations of life just as everyone does and that we're all people. Logo TV apparently produced this thing. I think gay TV is a great idea. But so far it's much like Will Truman, it only talks about being gay-

If this is kind of movie is the example, I take back everything I said yesterday.

Now back to the rant.

Blogger is managing to piss me off this morning, I hit preview, it posts. Ah technology.

Speaking of technology, the robots at at&t/cingular/at&t, managed to take my phone payment out last month...TWICE!

Of course, here we are a month later and I now owe them for another month and they simply can't understand why I refuse to give them anymore money until they find the money THEY ALREADY HAVE.

1. A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm.
2. A robot must obey orders given to it by human beings except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.
3. A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law.

I think they forgot to put the rules in the positrons at at&t.

The story today is that they mailed a check on the 3rd.

A check??? Who the hell deals with checks anymore? They could take the money electronically, but they have to give it back by corking up a bottle and floating it down the river to me. "You should have it today or tomorrow."

Apparently they do have rule 3.

I feel like Michael Douglas in The Game.

There are piles of stuff in this office to be done before I go on vacation at 4:30, and I am blogging. Fuck it.

Many hours later-

Ok, well I just looked at my own blog and realized I got all caught up in getting things ACCOMPLISHED before going on vacation, and I neglected to post. WHAT could I have been thinking? I'll post now.

I'm vacating for the next week. You may hear from me daily, hourly, or not at all. We'll see.


1 comment:

A Bear in the Woods said...

When good 'bots go bad....
The futurists nightmare.