sometimes these little quizzy things are annoying in their prescience:
The Lion, the Witch and the
by C.S. LewisYou were just looking for some
decent clothes when everything changed
quite dramatically. For the better or for the worse,
it is still hard to tell. Now it
seems like winter will never end and you feel cursed.
Soon there will be an epic
struggle between two forces in your life and you are
very concerned about a betrayal
that could turn the balance. If this makes it sound
like you're re-enacting Christian
theological events, that may or may not be
coincidence. When in doubt, put your trust
in zoo animals.
I've trusted Zoo Animals all my life...look where it's got me.
On the other hand sometimes they're sooo wrong it's amusing.
You Are Upper Middle Class

You're stuck in an interesting middle area between upper and middle class.
You're wealthy enough for most people to call you rich (or at least comfortable), but you don't feel rich!
Climbing your way to the top is hard work. And you've often feel stretched for time and resources.
If only you had a little more money! You can't help but wish you had the lifestyle of the upper class.
You may end up: A manager, high school teacher, or accountant.
Other people who share your class: "White collar" professionals and business people
Imagine me High School Teacher, or an Accountant? And doesn't managing involve people?
Stifling the urge to pack and run while it's above freezing. Well, they promised it will be sometime later today, at least for a few hours.
It seems I should plan on not sleeping the first two days of each week. That's when My 18 y/o neighbor has his days off and needs to Party. AT 3 AM!!!!
It's truly a shame that contract killing is illegal, otherwise I'd look into it.
I did sleep last night though, it seems he got the message when I got up yesterday and walked around my apt banging the ceiling with a broom handle for half an hour screaming at him to wake up all the while. If I hadn't been so damn tired I'd have had a lot of fun with that...well, ok, more fun than I did.
I'm trying to figure out why I have this issue almost everywhere I live. Why is it so difficult for me to live where it's quiet? No one else seems to have this problem. And NO ONE seems to understand that I do.
I know I get wild-eyed after no sleep, but who doesn't? Oh well, enough of that for this week. He's back to work and I'm back to sleeping. Next week we'll have another episode. Maybe those are the days I should sleep in the garage. I could throw pots late into the night and then crash out there. hmmm.
We changed the play we're doing this semester, due to low audition turnout. So Street Scene, which I thought was not a very good choice to begin with, has been replaced with Talking With, dated, but useful in academia.
Barack Obama looks poised to win the nomination. Further proof that my contention that people are mostly sheep is accurate. What is it that qualifies this guy to be President? The democrats, always on self-destruct, and going to screw around yet again and John McCain is going to be the President. Stop voting for the trendy guy you idiots!
Hilary, though not my first choice, is far more experienced, far more capable, far more connected, and far more interested in working on fixing the things that are wrong in this country than anyone else in the field right now. John McCain, the republican heir apparent, is universally hated, and his Vice President Mike Huckabee, will take up the Dick Cheney mantle and run amuck with the evangelical wingnuts attempting to re-write the constitution to reflect their "Christian" values. And Gods save us then.
People seem to think we can go on like we are indefinitely and it'll be ok. Well, it won't, we're truly on the road to hell and though I want to live a long time, I really don't want to see this country fall. It will eventually but I'd rather not see it.
I love the idea of Europe. They just hang in there and superpowers rise and fall and there they are, chugging along haphazardly, yet true. Talk about a true North, Europe must surely have one.
The practical aspects would probably make me nuts, but the idea is romantic isn't it?
Are there garrets in the south of France? Maybe I'll go live in one and be a potter.
I am weary of suffering fools and being looked on as a Neanderthal because of the company I keep in regard to citizenry.
I guess I was a day ahead of schedule. Wishful thinking I'm sure. There's a new countdown widget in the sidebar so I don't have to do it manually. They say the best way to keep your brain active as you age is to learn a new language. Well, I think I can effectively learn HTML all over again, it only took me two days to make a counter work. Pathetic.