The soul has greater need of the ideal than the real for it is by the real that we exist, it is by the ideal that we live

Tuesday, June 1, 2010


The computer is not our friend.  Though it runs our lives, and it provides reams of information, it is not created with our ease in mind. 

It's created with our wallets in mind.  The manufacturers have quite reasonably convinced us that we cannot live without our computers and now that we believe it we're hooked.  My guilt on this matter is not sterling.

I have two computers at home, one at each job, and internet access in the phone.  All this contact for a misanthropic loner.  Does that make sense?

In truth I'd be happy if I got up in the morning, had coffee and went out to make pots all day without the knowledge that Fergie had had a few before she sold her ex husband into terminal embarrassment. (And judging by the fact that I've had to reboot my frozen computer three times in the last week first thing in the morning I think I'll soon have that chance.)

I could do without the knowledge that it MIGHT rain tomorrow evening while I'm, working indoors, that the ingredients used to make my shower curtain, my shampoo, and/or my window cleaner can cause cancer and should be avoided as though they weren't in the one room in the home in which I am reliably naked every single day of my life, or that I could lose weight if I'd just chew gum.

Oh!  It's still raining oil in the gulf.

Our ancestors, remember them? (you can look them up on lived lives of relative ignorance and functioned admirably thank you very much. They grew up, grew old, married, raised children, and died and likely didn't need the internet to figure out that some dr somewhere has figured out how to impregnate women with two fertilized eggs so that they have "twins" which seems to happen all too often recently. 

One would think/hope that a people borne of ancestors who valued education above all would utilize a piece of technology with such potential in ways that would accelerate their apparent innate ability to excel as a nation.

What do most Americans look at first thing when they sit down at the computer? 


As if we needed further proof  that we're a nation of Narcissists. 

Looking in earnest these past few days for opportunities in  other countries.  I think I want to try it.

I wonder if anyone would accept an old potter as an apprentice?  Wouldn't that be fun?  Live in a foreign country and make pots all day?  I'd be poor, but how would that be different?

Surely I could make it work.

And so it goes:

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