The soul has greater need of the ideal than the real for it is by the real that we exist, it is by the ideal that we live

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Gray again!!!

You are: The Nurturer (ISFJ)

In general, ISFJs are sympathetic, loyal, considerate, and conscientious. They will go to any amount of trouble, when it makes sense to them, to help those in need. ISFJs operate most comfortably in situations where the rules are well defined and where traditions are to be upheld. They focus on providing practical help and services for others, and for the organizations they serve. They are often self-effacing in getting the job done, and they are willing to make necessary sacrifices, especially for their families. They are at their best quietly providing assistance and making sure things are in proper order. Read more about the ISFJ life, the ISFJ at work, or the ISFJ in love.

ISFJ children are conscientious, diligent, and rarely a behavior problem to their parents or teachers. They like to know what is expected, and then they will dutifully and quietly follow through. In some respects, ISFJs behave like "perfect children" because they try to please their parents, teachers, and those in authority. They work to meet others' requirements, if they are in keeping with the ISFJs' value system, even if this involves a sacrifice on their part.
Security and routine are very important to ISFJ children. For some ISFJs, this means knowing exactly who is going to be there after school to take charge or who will be invited to play games with them. This need for security and order also applies in school. ISFJ children like to know exactly what they are supposed to do in school and like to feel certain that they have the skills before being called upon. ISFJs need gentle nudging to move beyond their comfort level.
ISFJ children often want to practice their skills individually before showing them to others. This is especially true if they will be evaluated on these skills, because they want to be sure they know what they are doing before they demonstrate their skills to the world.
ISFJs may worry a lot about any number of things. This is apparent even in young children. ISFJ children are particularly introspective in the face of adversity. Because of their inward focus, it simply does not occur to them to share their problems with others.
ISFJs usually have a few close friends whom they are likely to keep as close friends for a lifetime. They often belong to at least one social group. They avoid center stage and contribute willingly in quiet, practical, behind-the-scenes ways. When comfortable, ISFJs can radiate their feelings and thoughtful values outward to others. They are often accepted for their kindness and quiet friendliness. They typically select a few special friends and nurture these friendships over long periods of time.
ISFJs shy away from disharmony and try to maintain cooperation at all costs. They may be more cautious and conservative than many of their peers. ISFJs can often come up with good excuses for what they do.
As young adults, ISFJs set goals with a variety of time frames, ranging from daily goals to long-range ones. If ISFJs have goals of summer vacation trips, they begin to save their money months in advance, gather accurate information on costs, and make lists of what to take. Few details are left unattended to. Because their focus is on the actual and the real, they know their plans can change. They accept this as "life", even though they would prefer to have things work out. They try to have things in order each day so they will not have to worry too much about tomorrow.
In their careers, ISFJs are often likely to take what comes along; for example, they may accept the first job offer, rather than continue to look for something else and remain in a state of flux. Once in a job, they generally try to make the most of it, since the known is preferable to the unknown. If the ISFJ is not in a job that provides intrinsic satisfaction, he or she feels uncomfortable. yet may be slow in looking for anything else. ISFJs are loyal employees who diligently work at whatever tasks are given to them.
ISFJs are likely to have done some retirement planning. Since they tend to save money throughout their lives, they often have the financial resources to live comfortably in retirement. In their retirement days, ISFJs focus directly on their families and carry on family traditions and histories. The ISFJ delights in encouraging grandchildren and other family members in projects that continue the family's customs and heritage.

ISFJs at Work

At work, ISFJs contribute loyal, sympathetic, consistent, and considerate service to others. They are known for their kindness, and for their willingness to go to any length to help those in need. They take the practical needs of people into account when they do their work, and their strong follow-through skills allow them to carry out organizational goals. They do at least what is expected of them, and oftentimes more, without attracting attention to themselves. They are painstaking and responsible with detail and routine, and feel it is important to have the right things in the right places at the right times.

Work Setting
ISFJs prefer an occupational setting that is attentive both to peoples' needs and to getting the job done. They like peers who are as conscientious, precise, and accurate as they are. They feel most comfortable if the organization provides security and if their work is clearly structured with practical service-oriented outcomes. They are calm, quiet, and efficient in their work habits. They prefer a work space that allows for privacy, since they like to concentrate deeply on their work and avoid interruptions. Because interruptions make it difficult for ISFJs to recover their train of thought, they need to plan time alone in order to be most productive.
ISFJs like to have everything organized in a manner that they have decided is appropriate. They cannot work when things are out of order. Everything has its place, both at work and at home. Their offices and their homes may contain special knickknacks and mementos that have personal meaning to them. Usually these knickknacks are put in a special and definite spot.
When things are in disarray, ISFJs like to reorganize them immediately and often cannot leave their work until order is restored. They become distracted by disarray, finding that before a project is started, everything must be in its place. ISFJs enjoy ordering and structuring the small things of life; they may overorganize.
ISFJs tend to organize around their values. They will often set their priorities in terms of the people who are most important to them, usually putting their family's, and then their boss's or their organization's, needs first. ISFJs do what is required to serve their key values.

To perform well at work, individuals may need to use all of the eight preferences at the appropriate time and when required by the situation. Knowing this, people tend to select occupations that allow them to use the preferences that are most natural to them.
ISFJs are attracted to occupations that require dedication to others, service, attentiveness to details, and thoroughness. They would rather work with things that they can see-the tangibles that result in something worthwhile for people.
While ISFJs can and do enter all occupations, some are more appealing to them than others. According to available research, some occupations (in alphabetical order) seem to be especially attractive to ISFJs: bookkeeper, clerical supervisor, curator, family practice physician, health service worker, librarian, medical technologist, nurse, preschool and elementary teacher, typist, and other occupations that allow ISFJs to provide practical and helpful service to others. These occupations are not meant to be an exhaustive list, but serve to illustrate some areas that an ISFJ might enjoy. If your specific occupation, or one that you are interested in, is not listed here, think instead of its general characteristics and ask yourself how those fit with your type.

ISFJs in Love

For the ISFJ, love means security and commitment. Again, like other types, ISFJs tend to fall hard when they fall in love. Because they place a high value on marriage and family, they seek out a partner and feel unfulfilled without one. Marriage and family give ISFJs appropriate outlets for their love. In addition, they provide opportunities for them to meet their need to be of service to others. Because they are willing to give so much, they tend to expect the same sort of response from their mates and may be disappointed when their partners do not comply. However, they are realistic enough to know that they may not get exactly what they want, and sometimes must accept their fate quietly.
ISFJs tend to stay in relationships that may not be in their best interests. Because ISFJs are responsible and dutiful, unless they are careful, their partners may take advantage of them. ISFJs are likely to stay in such relationships, because their values of commitment and stability are more important than their individual needs and wants. They may be taken for granted by the very people for whom they care and do so much.
In love, ISFJs tend to epitomize people who radiate warmth and good feeling. While ISFJs may not verbalize deep love or the underlying sense of security and commitment that they feel, their contented facial expressions and demeanors illustrate their inner thoughts. The ISFJ will do whatever is necessary to maintain this state. When the spouse or family of the ISFJ does not meet his or her expectations, the opposite facial expression or demeanor may occur. They are unlikely to talk with others about their disappointments.
When ISFJs are scorned, they are likely to be disappointed, angry, and bitter. However, they keep their feelings inside and often focus on themselves.

Your Personality Traits

You are an
You scored 11% in the direction of Introversion, which means you are an Introvert. Introverts are more reserved, quiet, and contemplative than most. While they enjoy socializing, they also can become absorbed in private thought and enjoy time alone.
YOU MyType

You are a Sensor

You scored 12% in the direction of Sensing, which means you are a Sensor. Sensors are sensible and grounded, focusing on the concrete and the here and now. They learn through experience and are cautious with untested ideas. They appreciate tradition, but are open to new ways of doing things if they can see tangible benefits.
YOU MyType

You are a Feeler

You scored 3% in the direction of Feeling, which means you are a Feeler. Feelers are caring, supportive, and appreciative. They naturally reach out to other people, preferring to cooperate and agree rather than argue over who is right. They are comfortable with emotions, both their own and those of others.
YOU MyType

You are clearly a Judger

You scored 57% in the direction of Judging, which means you are clearly a Judger. People who are clearly Judgers love to make decisions. Organized and thorough in their work, they make and stick to plans. One of life's small pleasures for them is checking off items on their to-do lists. Every thing in their lives has its place, and they are diligent about putting it there.
YOU MyType

IMG_2011, originally uploaded by Gregg Michael Photography.
I've tried three times to write a post this morning.


For immediate release-


And so it goes:

Love, cause it's all you got

1 comment:

Bigg said...

I'm an INTP man, myelf. Jut check my Facebook profile!