The soul has greater need of the ideal than the real for it is by the real that we exist, it is by the ideal that we live

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Where to begin?!?!

I hardly know how to start this morning.  There's so much to talk about and yet I still have to teach this morning.

First, I accidentally threw caution to the wind last night and got an H1N1 vaccine.  I didn't plan to.  I'd heard lot's of horror stories and thought that since I'd gotten the regular flu shot I'd leave it at that.  But the boss came to me all excited telling me they were free for employees so I marched right over and got one. So far I feel fine. Perhaps they were just horror stories after all.

What the fuck was all that last night?

I'm gonna do this, and I'm gonna do that, and I'm gonna go door to door and give out hand jobs for the next three years.


Alito's lack of respect was astounding.    When exactly did it occur that Representatives and Justices felt free to comment openly in the house chambers when the President is speaking?  is this a new development?  Or is is just a group of disgruntled unmannerly conservatives who wouldn't dare do that to one of their own exercising their right to be professional dicks?

It was completely inappropriate.  And yes I'd have said the same thing if a democrat had done it to George Bush.  It just isn't done.

Now as far as the speech goes.  I didn't hear the whole thing, I was working and got busy.  But what I did hear was pretty much pointless.

We're not going to get a jobs bill, nor a tax credit for small businesses, nor a repeal of DADT.  This guy is delusional. That group over there on the right who sat stoically all night and didn't respond to anything that was said was quiet because they were trying to conceal their erections like a bunch of teenage boys.  They've got a filibuster again and they intend to use it.

Don't kid yourself, when it comes to screwing the pooch the Democrats have it figured.  And last night was nothing more than  circle jerk. I remember those, they were fun,but never as productive as one would imagine in their fantasies.

And he totally pissed me off withy, "Math and science, Math and science, Math and Science. then the dumbass talks about "the well-rounded individual (another favorite term of mine.)


Math and science make them a bot. art, literature, history...the humanities, make them think.  I know you don't really want that, but if you don't then don't talk about a well-rounded person, it's hypocritical.

And Howard Zinn died. What a well-lived and long life that guy had.  He taught at several noted universities, got his Doctorate from Columbia, and died at 87.  What more could one ask?  I read this morning that on his last day at Boston University he ended class 30 minutes early so he could join a picket line and urged his students to come along.  100 of the 500 did just that.  Sounds like Howard lived his conscience.

Now that's Valhalla.

And so it goes:

Love, cause it's all you got.

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