The soul has greater need of the ideal than the real for it is by the real that we exist, it is by the ideal that we live

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Lap Dogs are in fashion

Michelle Obama is bringing herself a gay lapdog to the State of the Union tonight.

Apparently they've found themselves a good little gay boy from Indiana who wants to sit dutifully on her lap all evening and prove we're presentable for decent company.

I could puke.

Sorry, Bigg, I just can't sit still for this one. I know I said I'd let him off the hook, but seriously, enough is enough.

Richard Rothstein at Proceedatyourownrisk is taking Bil '(with one "l")'(rothstein) to task about  his need to kvell all over his own blog and the internet yesterday about how happy he is, in his Log Cabin sort of way, that this has happened. Why, I can't imagine.

It seems we've been so isolated for so long that we can't see an insult when one is clearly presented to us. Well, at least Bil '(with one "l")'(rothstein)can't.

We all know how this works. Someone gives to the party, or the HRC, or GLAAD, and they're a darling of the fund-raising circuit so they get invited to things if they're not any trouble. (My annual C-note gets me more requests for money, that's about it. And I stopped giving to the HRC long ago.)

My ex has a very sweet dog whose presence is seldom minded when he brings her along to events unannounced because she's so well behaved. (sorry Aly, love you but you were the best analogy I had.)

Same thing.

So this fund-raising lap dog has got himself invited to the big show tonight
and we're all supposed to say, "Thank you Miss Michelle."

Wanna Bet?

And so it goes:

Love, cause it's all you got.

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