The soul has greater need of the ideal than the real for it is by the real that we exist, it is by the ideal that we live

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Blizzard!!!! Yeah!

Well,it was worth the wait in my opinion. I haven't posted in a couple of days but last night I sat and watched a true snow storm, not the wimpy kind we usually have, but one that made me raise the blinds and open the curtains so I could watch it come down. At one point I couldn't see across the street it was blowing so hard. Very cool, especially since I needed nothing and had nowhere I needed to be.

Today is another matter altogether. I still have nowhere to be, but it's cold. Very cold. I know there are those hearty souls in Michigan and Minnesota and farther north where it's even colder than here (-10 tonight)and I applaud their fortitude. This, however, is plenty cold for me, thank you.

I'm desperate to get into he studio and make some pots, but I can't. Even though the studio is right here, there's a ton of snow between me and the door, AND even if I got it warm enough to go out there, I'd let out all the heat the minute I opened the door. Then I'd get to sit there and dip my hands in water all day. Doesn't sound inviting right now. maybe next week when it warms up back into the 30's.

In re-re-reevaluating my chosen career prospects I came to a realization. The two biggest choices I made, Theatre, and "medicine" are the two things I can do well, but don't want to have anything to do with the other side of. Meaning I can make theatre, and pretty good theatre at that, but when it comes to sitting in the audience, forget it. Same goes with "medicine"." I was pretty good at that, but when it comes to visiting someone in a hospital, sitting there doing nothing...can't stand it. Gotta get out. What's up with that?

One would think that I'd get a certain amount of peace from the other side of the issue, but no. Can't do it.

Need to look at that.

If you're here stay indoors, if not stay away until this goes away.

And so it goes:

Sanded, originally uploaded by evanembee.


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