The soul has greater need of the ideal than the real for it is by the real that we exist, it is by the ideal that we live

Friday, February 6, 2009

A question

Here's one to ponder.

Do we give this kid a pass cause he did something stupid? He's 23 years old! How smart were you at 23? What little I remember about 1980, I wasn't too bright. I did all kinds of stupid stuff and I didn't have the weight of all this Olympic hero shit hanging around my neck either.

I have to wonder if getting suspended for three months is enough. We know in our hearts that our 42nd President got higher than a kite at least once, and we definitely know the 43rd was so high for so long he got brain damage. At least we can hope that was his excuse.

So does Micheal Phelps get a pass? Do we allow him, due to his fame and potential to assume the popular role of not taking responsibility for what he did? I mean, he admitted it was stupid, but is suspension enough punishment?

I don't know. I hate to be vindictive and hypocritical over such things, after all my guilt in the marijuana area isn't exactly sterling.

It's a tough one. Does it make us even bigger hypocrits to just chalk it up to being a kid, or do we say, "No! Our Olympic hero's can't be human."

You're all willing to rip me a new one over Colin Farrell, what say you about Michael Phelps.


samuel said...

I give him a pass because smoking pot is not wrong in my opinion. I wouldn't even say it's stupid.

Pot is not the demon drug we've been told it is for so long, and I'd say it's a fairly benign thing.

Perhaps having a picture taken while hitting a bong is stupid, but smoking pot should not be a crime.

The New Me said...

I'm inclined to agree with you about the pot. but the larger issue of his pursuit of olympic gold and the responsibility that comes with that have to be considered here. So though I still don't really know for sure I tend to give him a pass too.