The soul has greater need of the ideal than the real for it is by the real that we exist, it is by the ideal that we live

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Table for 10% please

It is said, depending on which pundit you're prone to listen to, that as much as 10% of the population is homosexual.

Rick Warren says it's 2%, but he's got an agenda so I think he might be using figures for his own purposes. Kinda like he's using Melissa Etheridge.

We'll stick with the old standard 10% for the sake of today's discussion.

If 10% of the American Public is gay where are they? Why aren't they standing up and raising hell like they should be? Does isolation really work that well? Is the fear of violence, retaliation, discrimination etc, really that effective?

Can "the man" keep us down by the mere threat of reducing us all to clerks at Macy's? Providing, that is, that Macy's still exists after the George Bush economy is done running down everyone and everything.

I've long said that we're not going to get a place at the table unless we demand it. Unless we stand up and vociferously force the hand of those who would keep us from making progress.

In God knows how many years of trying we still haven't succeeded in getting anti-discrimination legislation passed on the federal level. Why?

Are our enemies that formidable? Are our adversaries willing to go the distance to keep up from sitting across the table from them? Is Christianity so firmly entrenched in the outdated, outmoded, outrageous idea that we're so evil as to need to be kept at bay and away from decent people?

I don't think they are?

I think we're poorly represented. I think those who would champion our cause aren't that committed to our cause.

It seems we're on a laundry list of to do's.

1.) Negotiate with OPEC to control the price of oil
2.) Negotiate a cease-fire between Israel and Hamas (again)
3.) Negotiate a deal to save the American Economy from itself.
4.) Negotiate the demise of the labor union
5.) Negotiate a middle-of-the-road Cabinet through the selection process
6.) Negotiate the price of laundry services
7.) Negotiate the social calendar of the residents of the White House
8.) Throw the fags a few crumbs.

Surely that's moving the issue way up on the agenda.

We're not going to get anything near what we want from this or any other administration until and unless we insist. Until we find a way to stall something they really want immediately and force them to take us seriously.

I say let's intervene in the Middle East peace process, it's a sure bet since it's a never-ending show, and get Hamas to agree that there'll be no cease fire unless we get our rights as Americans.

That'll show 'em.

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