The soul has greater need of the ideal than the real for it is by the real that we exist, it is by the ideal that we live

Monday, January 12, 2009



The definition of this word according to Merriam-Webster's online Dictionary indicates that whatever is being effected is defective.

This brings to mind the term "reparative therapy" for gays and lesbians. Seriously?

I'm defective? I'm broken in some way? Because I choose to live my life honestly and openly I am in some way deficient? I see people every day of my life who live lies. They cannot, for reasons passing human understanding, get far away enough from themselves so they make themselves into people they're not. They give credence to the notion that there is something amiss in the minds and hearts of those who love someone of the same sex.

And it's wrong.

Edmund Burke, a British statesman and philosopher of the 1700's said,
“All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”
It's a very popular quotation on the internet these days, yet I have to wonder if anyone really knows what it means.

Has any one of you really found themselves in a situation that if no one did anything you were totally and completely sunk for the rest of your life? I don't mean just losing a job, or a relationship, or passing a class. I mean your entire life.


Well, I have, and let me tell you it's lonely out there when you dare to stand up for what is right and get cut off at the knees. It's scary when there is a mob out for your head and there isn't anyone to come to your defense.

The whole world is watching this drama over gay rights unfold here in the U.S. and most are standing idly by.

I see that Gene Robinson is delivering the opening invocation at the inaugural. I fail to understand why Rick Warren was mentioned to the public first when Robinson had been included all along. What's up with that?

Warren has opened the doors of Saddleback Church to those who have chosen to split from the episcopal church over the church's stance of accepting gay and lesbian members. How Christian of everyone involved.

Hey! You guys! You that hate gay people enough that you'll leave your church! Over here! Come on in! We'd love to have you!

Hey! You gays! You people that are so defective that you'll have to undergo REPARATIVE therapy before we'll accept you as one of us. Come on in and get some incredible psychological abuse and learn,through some good old fashioned brainwashing, to be what our version of God says you should be. We'd love to have you...for lunch.

Talk about a lion's den.

Do you suppose they actually read that book they thump all the time? Or is it just a prop?

See, things aren't as black and white as the religions of the world would have it. You're either with us or against us, is their philosophy. If you choose to be with us you're ok, you're aces, you're the bees knees.

If you choose to be without us, well then, you're choosing Satan and hell and all things evil, and you're embracing the devil.

And they call us dramatic.

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