The soul has greater need of the ideal than the real for it is by the real that we exist, it is by the ideal that we live

Monday, November 3, 2008

We Have Arrived

"I'm afraid, based on my own experience, that Fascism will come to America in the name of national security." Jim Garrison

"That which the Fascists hate above all else, is intelligence." Miguel de Unamuno

“When facism comes to America it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross.” Sinclair Lewis

Can anyone argue that we have arrived at the place at which the time for these ideas has come?

The Bush Administration is scurrying about trying to put in place regulations, or more appropriately deregulations that will harm us all, and benefit corporate America. De-regulations that apparently won't be easy for the next President to undo, should he be so inclined, and if the next President is John McCain he wont even think about them.

So prepare for drilling ON the beach, Coal mines replacing mountaintops, and more and more species of animal on the list of extinctions as we denigrate, manipulate, and desecrate their habitat. We'll do it, it's what we're good at.

Organized religion has helped. They've led the willing ignorami down the primrose path to ruin, and they've followed willingly, taking the rest of us along on their death march.

So, though we may not see it, and our children may not see it. Our ancestors will surely see it. The decay has begun in earnest and this mighty and once rightfully proud culture has begun to fall.

It's a shame really. We still have much to do, many wrongs to right, many examples to set, many hearts to inspire. But it's been seen to that our light has been extinguished, and our ability to be the America some of us were taught existed is gone. We're a cheap imitation of ourselves now, the Naugahyde of societies.

So much has been heaped on the candidacy of Barack Obama that I fear, no I know he can't measure up. Should he actually get elected tomorrow I believe he'll find that he's been so hamstrung by the outgoing bastards that he'll spend several years cleaning up that mess long before he's able to actually govern and address the massive issues he'll be handed, along with an enormous tab.

It'd be nice if he could be a 2-term President, but I also think the fascists will re-group, that they'll recruit more of the fearful, and thereby bring about their own demise quicker than any of us think possible today.

So, get out there and vote. Vote for justice, vote for what we thought America was, for what we were taught it should be, for the hope we actually, criminally, scarily still secretly hold in our hearts. I know it's there, that I'm not the only one with it. That we can actually make it happen. That the example we set can actually return us to the place our forefathers struggled so mightily to bestow upon us, and to burden us with.

Please vote, please participate if in only this way, in our democracy. Please swallow the fear they've ruled you with for 8 years and take that shiny hope out of the secret place you've kept it for almost a decade, and hold it up for the whole world to aspire to.

You can do it.

You have to.

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