The soul has greater need of the ideal than the real for it is by the real that we exist, it is by the ideal that we live

Friday, November 14, 2008

Those darn Catholics

What will they think of next. Apparently some Catholic Priest in South Carolina, (ahem)has so much time on his hands that he's sat around until he's come up with yet another bizarre Catholic idea. Deny Parishoners communion because of how they voted.

For those of you who don't know, communion is a pretty big deal, it's name is just what it suggests, it's to signify communion with their God, and they NEED it. Like a vampire needs his blood. So for him to imply that he'd rather they abstain from receiving it is in no way a small rebuke.

"A South Carolina Roman Catholic priest has told his parishioners that they should refrain from receiving Holy Communion if they voted for Barack Obama because the Democratic president-elect supports abortion, and supporting him "constitutes material cooperation with intrinsic evil..."

I put in a link in case you want to go check out the source. I didn't go to some obscure secular devil-worshiping site to find this story. Well,that may be over stating it a little. It's off the front page of

This is the extent to which people are being ruled by their irresponsible clergy. I'm trying to think of a way to get people to start thinking for themselves and stop relying on their priests and ministers to tell them how to vote.

A woman in Los Angeles who apparently runs a restaurant frequented by a gay clientele (El Coyote) donated a lousy $100 to her RLDS church's request for funds to pass Prop 8, and she complied. This 100 bucks is about to cost her most of her livelihood since they found about it and are none too happy she took their money and used it to screw them. How did she express her remorse for her duplicity?

"I have to do what my church tells me."


Now I know there are responsible clergy. For example,, Father Geoffrey Farrow,late of a Catholic parish in Fresno, who came out to his parishioners in the midst of a witch hunt in his organization, which cost him his job and likely his position. I haven't heard anymore about him, figures. He's destitute and exiled, no longer newsworthy. However, his destitution and exile are exactly what makes him newsworthy in this puritanical era. People need to see what happens to the subjects of their scorn AFTER they're done metaphorically burning them at the stake. Maybe then they'd think twice before becoming the new John Proctor.

In fact I personally know a member of the clergy, and though we're not in as close contact as we have been in the past, I know him well enough to be sure that if he's counseling his flock on their vote at all he's advising them to vote their conscience, making them think for themselves. A welcome rarity in this pyre-building culture we've cobbled together out of the unknowing and lazy.

In researching Father Farrow I stumbled across his blog. You gotta go there, I didn't get to read much but it sounds like he's dishing some great Catholic dirt. I know what I'll be doing until martini time.

Have a great weekend, enjoy Hot Guy Friday, be good(it's really all you got), and be safe.


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