The soul has greater need of the ideal than the real for it is by the real that we exist, it is by the ideal that we live

Friday, November 14, 2008

Not learning

I'm seeing the term witch hunt all over this morning. And that must stop! I've seen what witch hunts do, and it's not pretty.

We cannot win a victory we can celebrate in this civil rights struggle if we're driving people from our midst just because they disagree with us. The lady who owns El Coyote Restaurant? Boycott her, don't burn her.

The director of Sacramento's Musical Theatre? Boycott him, don't burn him.

The director of Find's LA Film Festival, should NOT be terminated over his political beliefs.

Where does this retribution end if we don't stop it in it's tracks right now?

The hate cannot be perpetuated. These protests and searches for who donated to what need to stop if we can't then use that information in a constructive way to open a dialogue with our detractors to attempt to get them to understand that hate is NOT the way to make this right.

We need to learn from their mistakes and not use the massive availabiity of information to in turn discriminate against those who would do exactly that to us.

I suppose we need to be Christian about it. Rather we need to be what Christians purport to be about it.

Are there battles to be fought and won? You damn betcha.

Are witch hunts the way to accomplish that goal?


It is incumbent on us to have and utilize a better moral compass than those who blindly chose to deny us our rights.

You have to ask yourself if this is good for the struggle when you think to react as they did. If the answer is no, and in the case of witch hunts it always is, then DON'T DO IT!

Non-Violent yes!



The Catholic Church who also had a hand in this debacle is comprised of the most vengeful, vitriolic, vicious, venomous bunch of hypocritical bastards the world has ever seen, well, except for the Bush administration, and we cannot be like them if we expect to win a victory that will allow us to hold our heads high.

If you're going to march down the street in protest, if you're going to fight in a board room for your beliefs, if you're going to use your financial power to effect change, do so with your head held high, and know that if there is a judgement to be placed on the heads of those who hate it isn't yours to make. Let them answer to their own God for what they've done. Make them answer to you for their duplicity.

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