The soul has greater need of the ideal than the real for it is by the real that we exist, it is by the ideal that we live

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Hive mind (i love wikipedia)

Ever noticed that there are times at work when absolutely everyone loses their fucking minds simultaneously?

I've seen it as a supervisor over the years, and now without any subordinates I can somewhat enjoy the show as long as I'm not a part of it.

It appears that for some unknown reason, people get into this group think mode and when one of them loses it, they all go over the edge about their own issues en masse.

I'm living that exact scenario here at work this week.

I cannot tell you how much fun it is.

Everyone demands your undivided attention simultaneously and when you don't accomplish their goal you are a selfish aloof snobbish bastard.


I have no problem with that...


Today's imagined insult happened when I was sitting at a conference table waiting for a meeting to start and noticed a woman standing in the hall looking puzzled because the guy in the office next door to me wasn't in.

I said,"M, are those books for J?" She nodded her ascent, and I said, "If you like you can just leave them in my office and I'll give them to him tomorrow, he's off on vacation today." "You want me to leave the whole cart?" she asked. "If you need the cart just stack them on the table in my office, I'm not using it today." was my response. She proceeded to do just that and I mistakenly thought all was well.

I turned my attention to some conversation that was taking place on my right and turned away from the door. This was my fatal mistake. "M" reappeared at the conference room door to tell me she had left the books on the table. Without waiting to be sure she had my attention, and without even knowing if I was aware of her presence, she spoke and left. I only became aware of her presence when she left and someone else acknowledged her as she did.

Here we are again. Is it really xenophobia on my part when I expect someone to be sure I'm aware of their presence before talking AT me? Before assuming I'm aware of their presence, when I'm not even looking in their direction?

After the meeting I was met at the door by this woman's supervisor who for some reason passing human understanding, expected that I would entertain the notion of apologizing to this woman for whatever slight she imagines I committed. Needless to say I respectfully declined.

We're currently in an old-fashioned standoff on the issue. Lots of supervisory man hours are being wasted on the negotiations and I'm certain at one point they'll either demand one of us do something, or they'll suddenly develop some intelligence,(ahem) and just drop the whole stupid thing.


Ya know I love 'em!

UPDATE: Apparently they DID get smart. I haven't heard a word for over an hour now.
Seriously, I should have stayed on that damn horse Saturday and kept going.

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