The soul has greater need of the ideal than the real for it is by the real that we exist, it is by the ideal that we live

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

the age-ed do not bounce

I guess I'm starting to show my age. I haven't bounced back from this little episode of illness like I used to. Today I plan to throw caution to the wind and actually eat the noodles and chicken in the Campbell's soup I'll have. Brave huh?

It's making me nuts! I can't ride, I can't read and prepare Thursday's lecture, I can't sit at the wheel and throw pots, I can't do anything but lay here and be lethargic. It totally sucks.

I get a little better every day, but whatever this was it sure has made me appreciate how healthy I normally am.

It was inevitable though. I was just thinking a few weeks ago how lucky I'd been all winter, that through that horrible months-long ordeal that I hadn't even had the sniffles.

Then, of course, I went right out and overdid. I jumped on a horse, and started riding my bike, and spending time doing things to the car etc. Not thinking for a second that maybe I should pace myself. That this all might take a break-in period since I wasn't nearly this active for the last six months.

I also didn't consider that I am in constant contact with those germy urchins at the college who potentially bring to me, in three hours, the amount of exposure to germs that I normally have in a month. So, like I said...inevitable.

I find that I can concentrate a little more today. I have been able to get things pretty much caught up at work, so that alone made me feel a little better.

It's just pathetic that I am reduced to this...this...pile of rubble by a little virus.


So much for aging gracefully.

1 comment:

Rich said...

get better soon, Shaun!