The soul has greater need of the ideal than the real for it is by the real that we exist, it is by the ideal that we live

Monday, February 25, 2008

Bulletin: Earth Off Axis!

I'm sure there is something wrong in the universe. Things can't be right. There was justice in Hollywood last night, that's a sure sign of the apocalypse. I'd advise you to repent and right soon, cause this shit ain't right. I'm not sure what the repercussions will be, either locusts or John McCain, I'm not sure which, but you can bet your ass it'll be bad.

No Country for Old Men was indeed the best picture of the year and I could not hide my surprise when I didn't hear "Atonement" announced as the winner. I thought for sure that sappy (though pretty good) thing was going to get it. Who'da thunk it? I mean after the travesty that was the 2006 Oscars when that POS Crash won instead of what was actually the best picture of the year, and yes it pains me to say that Brokeback Mountain was the best picture, but it was. And though no one could have known what was to happen, the Best Actor Oscar should have gone to Heath Ledger that year, because he was the only one nominated who wasn't doing an imitation of someone else. I never understood the whole "he's so handsome" thing because I didn't think he was, but I did think he was quite a good actor. And Ennis Del Mar was a seamless creation.

Diablo Cody, wow, that was a surprise, and well deserved. And Tilda her (probably cause she was such a cool Mom in Deep End) but in any case her win for Michael Clayton was the right choice. See why I'm so concerned about the future? The Academy NEVER gets this shit right.

Daniel Day-Lewis Is sooo good, and in There Will be Blood, he was amazing. Another correct choice, though you'd probably get a big Nuh Uh! from Tommy Lee Jones. His face said he REALLY wanted that Oscar last night and was really not happy to hear someone else's name announced. Tommy Lee really does deserve one, but not for Valley of Elah.

This is also noteworthy in that I don't do award shows! I really don't believe in them. I'd prefer that the stars just got up on stage and masturbated, which is what all this amounts to anyway. THAT would be far more entertaining than to see who won the Drama Prom popularity contest. Well, until next year..if there is one after this.

Tomorrow the application to the school in the California desert goes out. Cross your fingers. I really want this one. Though I don't treasure living in California again, this might be ok since it's not exactly where they keep all those...people. At any rate the job is exactly me so here's hoping.

Happy Monday all. And prepare yourselves for the excitement that will be Friday, cause we'll be unveiling the month of March on the Freaking Amazing Ancient Egyptian 2008 Popup Calendar. It's excellent. But just you wait till the month of my birth...May... it's truly the shizzle. That month my Office will shine with a glow of Fabulousness not previously known to exist in the universe.

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