The soul has greater need of the ideal than the real for it is by the real that we exist, it is by the ideal that we live

Monday, December 26, 2011

In the thick of things

I keep thinking I should take some of these gift cards I got for Christmas and go shopping for things for the house...and yet...There are people out there, lots of them. So it appears I'll be staying in for the day enjoying my new house and working on small projects. Like correcting the huge mistake I made Saturday when I discovered that the caulk gun I bought last week doesn't fit the tubes of caulk I bought at the same time. I used expand-o-foam instead. Now where's that exacto knife. It worked quite well, but what a hellish mess it made. I will say it made the blind stay in place in that window though. Permanently. First project when I get to the home improvement bathroom. All the faucets are dripping, and I desperately need a light over the vanity. Not to mention the bright yellow paint needs to go. That along with the adipose colored bedroom need my attention. Waking to that particular color makes me queasy. And my favorite (and only) staff member "needs" to take up my carpet and refinish the floors. He's twitching he wants it so bad. And I agree, it does need to be done. But to illustrate the progress made in the past three weeks here are a few pics:

 And in true wiley kyote tradition:
And so it goes.

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