The soul has greater need of the ideal than the real for it is by the real that we exist, it is by the ideal that we live

Thursday, March 25, 2010



Yes, I'm still around and functioning...kind of.

Tomorrow is our last official rehearsal, then we go into the throes of tech and dress.  It's just grueling I hate it, but I almost always love the end result.

The show is coming together I think.  They're getting more comfortable with it all every day.  They're just masses of bad habits and I have to be Zen about the fact that I can't fix them all.

Every day I plug away at my endless lists of things I must do and every day it seems I've made little progress and there's something huge still undone.  Oy!

Alas, such are the vagaries of this beast.  It'll be fine.

Last night their new habit was to stop and kibbutz when they got lost.

"Is that right?  No, I said that, now you say this."  All muttered so i ostensibly can't hear it.

So we now have a new rule..#137.

"If you stop and kibbutz when you get lost and don't forge ahead with this show no matter what, we'll stop th rehearsal, reset, and start the show over. if it's 9pm and you think you're down to the last hour and you kibbutz in the middle of a scene, we go back to page 7 and start over.  And we'll do that every time you mess it up, so we might be here a really long time at least once."

The response?

"Well, shit in the bed!"

I think that means they now understand I'm serious about it. Anything else it might mean I DO NOT want to know about.

And so it goes:

1 comment:

Bigg said...

So glad to hear from you and know that you are in fact still around and functioning. I hope the show is a big hit!