The soul has greater need of the ideal than the real for it is by the real that we exist, it is by the ideal that we live

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

How saturated with celebrity are we?

Adam Lambert is gay!

Next thing they'll be telling us is that air is only 21% oxygen. Crazy talk I tell you.

In my defense I've never watched American Idol, and I do my best not to watch Fox at all since Rupert Murdoch is evil on the hoof.

But this will be the talk of the town for all of 5 minutes. In fact we're done with it here already.

Let's move on to more relevant issues like morsels.

I won't even begin to speculate on what he's up to...


1 comment:

Bigg said...

I never watched it either, and yet we both know that he was, is and always will be gay and why it's tiresome that he's announced it now. I love the Internet.