The soul has greater need of the ideal than the real for it is by the real that we exist, it is by the ideal that we live

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Gender Disregard

I had yet another of those encounters that seem all too frequent in Library-land. I was the only man in a room full of Librarians. All women. Some of them were friendly. Some not so much. One of them was in fact a little too friendly and as per usual I didn't get it until I was in the car and on the way out of the parking lot. The poor woman fancied me.

That would be known as barking up the wrong tree.

After that, since I didn't realize that the workshop was only for half the day I went to the college and got some stuff caught up. It was pretty great to get all that stuff off my plate.

I'm thinking I'm due for a little vacation the end of the month. Maybe a little jaunt will dome some good, get away from it all. Gotta figure out where and how much though before I start anything. Nut right now I need to get things tied up around her for the semester.

So here's a late Tuesday morsel. I'm off to ride the bike while I can, it's supposed to rain almost all the remainder of the week.


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