The soul has greater need of the ideal than the real for it is by the real that we exist, it is by the ideal that we live

Friday, March 27, 2009

George George George

Pataki just doesn't get it I guess. There seems to be some flap over the people who catually own the new buildings at One World Trade Center not using the name Freedom Tower, which sounds like something George W Bush's cronies came up with.

The people marketing the thing are saying that the address is One World Trade Center and that's what they're using.

George says:

"I think One and Two World Trade Center are sacred names which should never be used again."

What he doesn't apparently understand is that the best tribute we can give to those people is to replace those buildings and use that address in defiance of the people who knocked them down in the first place. But noooooo, we gotta get all in an uproar about sacred words and shit.

What the fuck do you think incited those folks to begin with George?

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