The soul has greater need of the ideal than the real for it is by the real that we exist, it is by the ideal that we live

Monday, March 23, 2009

Busy, Busy

I loved spring break. It's effects lasted all of 40 minutes when I returned to work this morning.

On the way in I noticed that gasoline, whose price, mind you, is not tied to the price of oil has risen another fifteen cents. They must think we're pretty fucking stupid.

Got myself a cute new Chiropractic student. Actually he seems like a nice guy, but I'll nee to train him how to crack these old bones. He's way too gentle. He got a little leverage working there at the end, but there needs to be some oomph in the early stuff. I'll learn him.

Speaking of learning, I start a computer class today. It's an easy one I'm sure, It's that prereq I'm always getting yelled at about when I try to sign up for other stuff, so I better remember to visit that website today and see what's up with it.

Came back to work with no changes noted. Everything and everyone still running in circles with their hair on fire and their panties up their ass. In other words a normal monday.

I spring cleaned the apt this past week. You know how house projects go awry at the worst possible moment and in the worst possible way? Well, I was washing windows and Monica was cleaning the kitchen cabinets and I thought, "well, I'll just remove this plastic grill from over the window in this door leading to the deck and wash the window and put the grill back. I got out my trusty DeWalt cordless drill/driver and took out all the screws, except one. I tugged on the grill and saw there was one more screw down low I needed to get out. This was when the moment came. There I stood, rather squatted, and watched this double pane window pitch itself outward toward the deck, and away from any possibility of me grabbing it, in slow motion, as I kept thinking, "Now HOW will I explain this?"

If you recall I'm always bitching about how everyone overuses the word miracle, well now it's my turn. The damn thing fell straight out and onto the deck without a scratch. IT WAS A MIRACLE!!! Demeaned, but undaunted I grabbed it took off the outer grill, washed the window and put the damn thing back into place. Never to touch it again.

Well, off to attempt to catch up on work that's two weeks late.

Is my islander friend heading for the mainland and Tennessee in a few weeks? I have to wonder with all the silence from the Pacific.

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