The soul has greater need of the ideal than the real for it is by the real that we exist, it is by the ideal that we live

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Better now

Though I just heard yet another employee was informed yesterday afternoon of their imminent departure, and I become more certain by the hour that my days here are numbered, I need to rectify yesterday's impression that I'm upset by this news.

It's a complication, yes, and the reason I've stayed in this town as long as I have is completely due to the security of this job and the possibility of retirement, but seriously...if it ends today. So what.

I'll eat. I'll live someplace. And everything is not a life or death crisis. I'll try to keep the apt and the car, and make arrangements to relocate as soon as I can. What the hell? I may as well get started doing the things I have left to do on the current list.

I'm working on plans as I write, so there's always a future, and if there isn't I don't need this fucking job anyway.

Today's morsel:

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