The soul has greater need of the ideal than the real for it is by the real that we exist, it is by the ideal that we live

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

You've Got Mail! (Hate mail that is)

I got hate mail! Well, in truth it was a hate comment. But hate it was.

Apparently there are good God-fearing Christians who troll the internet looking for any homage to Matthew Shepard, and then they pounce.

I rejected this particular comment because they plugged their own website with a link at the end, and I'm not a BBS for Christian crazies, thanks anyway.

But they asked things like: "How many Christian churches have been burned by you homosexuals? Lots." Seriously? They think we have time to go about designating and then actually burning churches? How crazy can they be? I got four jobs folks! Thanks to George W Bush, I have to have four jobs. I have to pay someone to clean my apartment, where would I find time to burn your church?

They ended with a cute little prayer which I was supposed to say, and it said something about asking Jeebus for forgiveness cause I'm going to hell for my sinning ways, blah blah blah. I'd have said it if I believed in all that Jesus, Mary and Joseph Mumbo-Jumbo. But I don't, so thanks for my first hate mail on the blog. history in the making.

I really liked the Republican response to Obama's speech last night. Particularly the part where they put $787 BILLION on the screen and ran it right in your face.
I noticed they neglected to mention the

click here to learn more

to date. And that was a made up war cause our last President has Daddy issues. And his Vice wanted free oil for his joints. (oil me)

Who, I wonder is it that tells those who speak not to move their facial muscles? Sebelius did it last year when responding to the State of the Union. Someone is giving really crappy advice. These people look like zombies when they only move their mouths. Let them talk.

Basically it was a rah-rah speech to get us all motivated. But it neglected a few key points. Like taking responsibility. That would be a good one. he kissed a little Republican ass, always a good idea when you still need them.

I found GuyfromChicago's latest post on his trip to St. Louis during Mardi Gras absolutely hilarious. I think what I like most about this guy's blog is that he just pours himself out on the page. There he is, warts and all, like him or don't. You can't help but like him cause he's so genuine. His alluding to waking up rubbing someone's husband's pecs killed me. (thank god I've NEVER done anything like that before)

Apparently people have never heard of bluetooth since people think I'm talking to myself when I'm driving down the road on the phone. I had a woman last night say something very catty about me talking to myself so of course, I had to set her illiterate ass straight. "I was on the phone." "Where is it?" "It's in the rear view mirror." I'm still not sure she was convinced. Wow people really are stupid huh?

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