The soul has greater need of the ideal than the real for it is by the real that we exist, it is by the ideal that we live

Monday, February 2, 2009

Cranky Monday

I got in the car cranky today. No reason, other than I have lots to do, little time to do it, and I was feeling dissed.

When I got to work I spent 15 minutes looking for a parking place. When they closed the lot we used to park in cause it was falling down and God forbid they should actually fix it, we were relegated to either the municipal lot across the street, if available, or street parking, which is problematic, since you wind up moving your car every two hours. So I wasn't happy when I walked in here feeling like a stepchild, since the municipal lot was blocked off.

Completely ready to hide in my office and be cranky all day, I went to tell someone that I would be leaving to take care of a personal errand when I had to move my car in two hrs. She ruined my crankiness.

She informed me that I would be, as of the 15th the official trainer for the organization, that I would also be assuming duties related to all our video production, and that these things would be starting by the end of next week, since I had to start training a group then.

I'd be mad that I can't be cranky if the news weren't so great.

AND the weekend was lovely!

I didn't rest enough, but that's alright. I had such a good time!

Friday I went to dinner with a friend and then to see a play at a local venue I hadn't been to in quite a while. They've done an expansion, and this show was in the new space so I got to see it in use. The whole evening was totally enjoyable and everyone was so charming, I had an incredible time.

Then Saturday I went and rode horses all day since it was so warm here. As soon as I arrived home I got a phone call from an old friend from AZ who was passing through town. We spent a while over dinner visiting and catching up and I got to meet her new BF. It was a lovely evening.

Sunday I had to cram all the bill paying, laundry, car washing, cleaners, grocery, paper grading stuff into three hours in the morning so I could then go riding horses again. It was too nice to pass up the day, and I figure my weather karma will run out any day now, after all it's February in the Midwest.

So here I am, not rested, a bit cranky, but less so now that I know there are plans afoot to keep me from going permanently to reverse gear in this job, and very happy I had such a nice weekend.

I hope yours was a good one too.


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