The soul has greater need of the ideal than the real for it is by the real that we exist, it is by the ideal that we live

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Settling back in

Well the routine is almost back to normal. Once I get the seemingly interminable stacks of stuff in my office down to a manageable level I'll feel better.

Working on a/v materials for lesson plans for this semester. I think I'll show them a play a month and work on that and hopefully get them in understand the workings of it all that way.

Maybe just two. If I do a straight play and a musical(not one word,) I should be able to cover most of what I'd like them to know.

Last semester I followed the lead of the dept head and required them to do 15 crew hrs. THAT was a disaster, so this time I'm only requiring them to see and critique the shows at our school this semester. I'll give them extra credit if they want to go to something else and critique that.

On an entirely different subject. Has anyone noticed how Jeffrey Dean Morgan

has managed to forge a career by playing characters on series that don't actually exist?

This guy is on three series that I know of and he never has to show up?

Other than being a handsome ne'er do well, how does one get THAT job?

The problem is that his characters are always likeable dead guys. I mean, I'm always rooting for Judah Botwin, and particularly John Winchester. Somebody's got a great agent.

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