The soul has greater need of the ideal than the real for it is by the real that we exist, it is by the ideal that we live

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Lavender blogs

I've made a few changes to the blog this week. I'm still not sure how I feel about the lavender, but I thought it was worth a try. The banner needed resizing and while I was at it I decided the border had to go. I found this great picture of what apparently is a riding trail in Puerto Rico, but it never fit very well, so I photoshopped it. I may have to go there and find that trail though, it looks pretty fucking cool. I may chuck all the changes next week but for now this is it.

I finally got my Christmas boots replaced. I was given the wrong size and since it was an e-commerce thing I had to send them back and then wait. But now my Christmas haul is complete. There were obviously new cowboy boots, several new hats, (which I love and can't believe people thought to get for me.) There's a cap, like a driving, or golfing cap. There's a cowboy hat, which fit, and that's very rare since I have this odd shaped head. And then there's a Fedora. Now, this is quite the accomplishment since nowadays everyone thinks those hats that K-Fed wears are Fedora's. They're not. They're some 60's throwback jaunty thing(closer to a Trilby than a fedora) that would look no more than silly on the head of a 50-something man. So I was pleased when I got an actual gray Fedora. Someone did their homework. A rare thing in my family. There were fireplace tools, and itunes gift cards. There were scarves and gloves, and practical things like sheets and towels. There were impractical things too Thank God, like the levitating globe from the National Geographic holiday catalog that I mentioned in passing one day. It's truly one of those things that you can't believe you'll have to haul around for eternity, but that when it's sitting on your desk you just love. I'm so gay.

For reasons passing understanding I realized this morning while in the shower that I have not revised my syllabi for the semester that starts Monday. Oops. Guess I'll be doing that today huh?

I've made a colossal mistake in the new tire department. I've ordered them online. I suppose it's great to have them delivered, but one at a time? That's weird. And I'd really prefer not to have to have them in the apt. They smell. Next time I'll know better and just get them locally and have them put directly on the car. Absent mindedness strikes again.

A friends son got dumped by his girlfriend this week and she wrote and told me. I've been singing "You must not be drinking enough" by Don Henley on the way to work everyday since. It truly is the best medicine. (yes, both the drinking and the singing)

There is a great weather forecast for Friday and I'm certain I have this thing coming on that will prevent me from working that afternoon.(ahem.) I'm also certain that riding is the only cure, so I've sent out emails looking for riding companions.

I'm going at any rate. I never ride alone anymore, but I will if I have to. Things could turn ugly in the weather department any day and if they do they may stay that way for weeks, so I have to partake when I can.


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