The soul has greater need of the ideal than the real for it is by the real that we exist, it is by the ideal that we live

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Screwing the Pooch

Rick Warren?!?!?!


That's perhaps one of the most divisive decisions our President-elect could have made in this particular era. It fulfills every misgiving I had about the guy from the beginning.

Rick Warren's website says:

"The Church is everywhere in the world." (part of the problem)

"More than 2 billion people claim to be followers of Jesus Christ." (Because they don't know any better.)

And then this one I just loved:

"The Church is everywhere in the world. There are villages that have little else, but they do have a church. You could visit millions of villages around the world that don’t have a school, a clinic, a hospital, a fire department, or a post office. They don’t have any businesses. But they do have a church."

Read-"They're kept homeless, sick, stupid, destitute,and incommunicado. Therefore they're perfect followers of Jesus Christ."

Reading further I discovered this hopeful little tidbit:

"Since we believe the Bible is God’s Word, we already know the end of history. Jesus said in Matthew 24: “The good news about God’s Kingdom will be preached in all the world to every nation, and then the end will come.” It is inevitable and unavoidable."

This is good news? Once everyone "accepts Jesus Christ as their personal savior." (which means you get to let yourself off the hook for every shitty thing you've ever done) THEN we all get annihilated!


I can't wait!

Where the fuck do I sign up for annihilation. Oh, wait that was George Bush's administration.

As usual I missed my chance.

I can see it now. A set of enormous bus tires coming right at all those blind little gay boys and girls who so stupidly ran right out and voted for this guy who, like every other politician, bullshitted them into voting for him. Well,at least they won't see it coming.

They never do.

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