The soul has greater need of the ideal than the real for it is by the real that we exist, it is by the ideal that we live

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

naps are wonderful

I got a second wind so I thought I'd read a little news. Big mistake...HUGE.

Much is being made of the CEO's of the big three automakers magnanimous offer to work for the remarkable sum of $1 annually if the government loans them 25 billion.

Let's just look at this a minute.

Alan Mullaly, President and CEO of Ford Motor company, for example, made 21.2 million dollars last year. This package, as far as we can ascertain, contained $2 million in cash, and bonuses of over $7 million. For WHAT? The damn company lost over $8 billion dollars in the SECOND QUARTER of this year alone! I can't imagine what he gets if the company MAKES money.

But back to his salary totalling $21.2 million. Let's assume that his stock options, which make up a large part of the package actually wind up being worth something when he goes home for good.

If he makes $21.2 million a year and you divide that by the full time equivalent of 2080 hours, he makes in ONE HOUR what I make in a quarter.

And they say they can't make it because of health care and pension costs.

Am I the only one to see that this is bullshit?

I'm going back to bed.

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